From Broken Neck to Slinky V-Neck?

Amazing losses you are doing fab!
Thank you Yolande-i feel you and i are very similar in the way we are losing weight on this diet :)

OMG....disaster on Monday...i really am being properly tested on my new "coping with anything without relying on food" strategy!!!

Dropped a tin of Aubergine paint all over my pale green carpet and all up my newly painted white walls. I could have cried :cry:and spent hours trying to get it out of the carpet. On a positive note, however the colour looks fabulous on the walls where it was meant to go :rolleyes: Carpet is now a very pale pink...i'll keep at it with the Vanish lol.

9 weeks into the diet, doing great...its not something i conciously think about anymore...i'm just doing it- although subconciously its another matter-last nights dream was about a packet of Hobnobs, a frothy coffee and having my hair braided with marbles!!!
Ha ha ha ha yeah i think you are right it ios very similar =D Im the same now in week 10 and its just kind of a way of life for now dont even think about it as a diet but i do have very bizzarre food dreams so its still there in my subconcious tucked away ha ha ha
Glad you are getting on so good keep up the fab losses =D