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Here to follow you on your journey xxx
Thanks hun - all support welcome lol xxx
Here to follow you on your journey xxx
Heyy Lyndsey,
My dad also passed away last summer (he was 52) which i think triggered my ridiculous weight gain (about 2 stone in 6 months!) I mean i think everyone handles grief differently and so on but I have definitely found that 7 months later I'm still actually coming to terms with it (I never used to understand how it could not fully 'sink in' for a year or so but its definitely true that I'm still emotionally living through the real loss even all this time later). The problem is we think food will make us feel better but getting fat ended up just making me feel way more depressed and out of control (and I know this is a cliche but, again, it took me living through it to fully understand). I'm 21 now and I've had to take a year out of uni and look after my mum and handle wills and help us move house and it was all so big and scary that i think - same as you - i just stopped worrying about 'myself' in that way.
Anyway absolute props for coming back on - especially when you lost and put it on again! I mean even before all this i was a bit of a yo-yo-er and I found that as soon as you're big again and say you want to lose it all, people start judging like "ahh this again - it will all go back on when you stop" and "why don't you just do it the slow, healthy way and join a gym and eat healthy?" But they don't understand that the time to comment is NOT when you're doing something positive and actually taking the steps to sort the situation out - its when you're putting it on! But everyone is silent then!
Anyway even though this post is a bit intense I promise to be more cheery in future posts Lol! Really looking forward to seeing what you lose this Saturday - not long to go - just tomorrow to get through! Good luck!
Soph xxx
Well the results are in........13lbs OFF! Over the moon!!! I am just so excited - infact elated, my target was 7 - I smashed that almost literally by 2! Next week - I'll have my first stone off - so happy! More excited that from the beginning of Jan I've lost 31lbs - that's pretty friggin impressive going! Just had my first soup of the day , another one at 2pm, my shake at half 4 then my last soup at 8pm tonight. Ohhh I could squeeze a grape I'm so happy! Happy Frickin Saturday everyone!!! xxx
Hello Lovelies, Didn't manage to blog yesterday - it was a weird day. Still on plan - no slip up/issues there - same old same old. I found myself REALLY bored yesterday - I went to bed quite early on Saturday night (just after 10pm) and slept right through to half 9 yesterday morning. Woke up feeling really groggy - from oversleeping obvs lol. Couldn't quite manage to do much, did some washing, contacted a few companies about potential lettings, and then went for a short walk with the OH. Work is manic today - I am feeling stressed and it's showing - my eczema is flaring up on my arms and driving me mad, It's so sore and red *woe is me* lol. Hoping for another good loss this week - scales are already showing i'm 2lb down from Saturday so fingers crossed I drop another couple of those bad boys before Saturday. Would love a 7lb loss but will happily take a 5lb. This would safely put me over that 1stone loss mark and nicely on my way to the 2stone loss. Still aiming for 4 stone before I go away in May - I think it's doable but I need to stay focused. I really should get off here and get back to my actions for today. Roll on 6pm and I am outta here! Might even be a good girl and walk home from the bus stop - it's a good mile and a half and it's free - what more can you need? Hope everyone is having a good day![]()
Hi Lyndsey, glad to hear you are still on track despite the work stress! That's my major trigger. Hope you got through the day unscathed!
Did you do cwp before? I am wondering if your eczema improved last time?
Heyy! Omg 13lbs is amazing - especially considering you'd already lost some weight before you started! If I lost 13lbs I'd be at my goal weight - and I've planned weeks and weeks for that!
Having said that, I have had a terribly cheaty weekend which began on friday and ended sunday night so a good 3 days of madness (cakes, crisps - you name it, i had it) and I'm just so envious of people who have managed to stick it out. Only 2 more days for you till 2 weeks properly...I'm going to take a leaf out of your book and just use iron will to avoid temptation as cheating has just made me feel rubbish and like I'm wasting my time and money
Soph xxx
5lbs is great! I know 2nd week should be a big one but because you basically lost a stone week 1, I think you'd expect 2nd week to be more like a 'consolidate that weight loss' week. And 5lbs is more than just consolidation, that's a real, chunky weight loss.
I have had a similar pattern with my losses (though obviously they're less than yours) and to be honest i was just happy to lose anything last week (though i did cheat as I said before so that also would have made the situation worse). Even though I knew I'd be lucky to lose a few lbs, it still was a little disappointing only losing 3lbs because i had lost so much last week but if you think about it: we've both lost over a stone in 2 weeks! OMG OMG OMG!!!
The other day at the gym, the scales there (which always tell me I'm at least 2lbs lighter than i actually am) had me in the 10 stones! - albeit 10 stone 13.5 - and even though it doesn't actually mean i'm in the 10s...its still a confidence boost that even if the weight loss is slower, it is actually coming off!
Anyway, I'm a diet coke addict too! I find it makes my craving for food worse though so I'm really trying to avoid it and just stick to the water and keep busy to keep me away from temptation...Also - I can't believe you have been missing products?! I literally count down the minutes till i can have my next one and have the meal as well. Missing products = superhuman!
Good luck this week!
Soph xxxxx
Lol superhuman - I'll take itI'm usually looking forward to my products over the weekend - but during the week, I'm so engrossed at work I just don't notice the time. I've also had a million and one meetings this week so I haven't had a chance to actually have them - I ended up taking my soup into a meeting yesterday otherwise I would have completely missed breakfast (as it was already quarter past 11). I know 5lbs is good - I know that in my head. 18lbs in 2 weeks is amazing - I am over the moon! I'm starting to notice things in my body with the changes - my cheekbones are starting to show and my clothes are fitting much better. I've put my purple ribbon on again from when I started and the difference is massive already
Well done for getting into the 10's - I can't wait to get there, but it's miles away lol! xxxx
Well done on the 5lbs!! Can't believe you are even slightly disappointed! It's amazing. More than a stone in 2 weeks must feel great.![]()