Silver Member
Great to see how positive you are, and fantastic willpower turning down all those treats!
Atkins and low carb are exactly the same, it's just that all low carb diets have slightly different rules attached. I think it's just the way Atkins was marketed - and it being the first 'big name' low carb diet, all the stigma got loaded onto it. Very silly really as all the medical studies show how much healthier low carb eating is, and way back in the 70s Dr A advised people to get their cholesterol checked pre and during the diet - because he knew it was almost certain to be lower. I think it's sensible to tell people you're on low carb - it saves having to deal with the misinformation of people who have never done the diet.
Why don't you message a mod and get your diary moved into the diary section, Honey? It's all lonely out here on the main board.
oh wow didnt no where my diary was.... since mins changed the set up couple months back can't figure out how to work it.... and how do i message a mod and ask them to move it sorri to sound dumb but i no how to comment and thats bout it on this site x