From Exante to S&S


MM addict
Hi everyone, I really wished I'd done my research a little better after opting for another months worth of Exante products.

I am a week in to Exante having lost 10lb's, I am over the moon with this, but am already bored with the very limited options available to me.

I've ordered some samples from the website and am hoping to start S&S 100% as soon as I've used up my exante stuff. Am I able to combine the 2, or am I best waiting until I've used everything up.

The thought of having so many shakes to chose from is making me really excited. And with that the just as good losses as any other VLCD I'm hoping this will be the diet for me to finally once and for all stick to!

You have to decide whether to mix and match yourself but there are several people who have come over from other diets who mix and match, or still follow other diets but use S&S products too for variety.
Thank you both for your advice. I have been looking on ebay, and may sell 2 weeks supply of exante, still weighing up my options.
I will wait until I get my samples see if I like them and go from there!
Yes, not everyone who is on Exante likes the S&S products and vice versa. Taste is such an individual thing no one can tell for sure unless they try them.
I've just gone to s&s, ordered the vanilla as I love it on exante! But it's sooooo different, far too sweet and I have to drink in one go... at least I only ordered 7!

I think if you did mix and match it would be wise to add a multi vit.
good luck
I add 2 expresso shots to the vanilla and enjoy it like that. On it's own is fine but not my favourite. Yes, I think the shakes are quite sweet but that suits me :). Never tried Exante so can't really compare.