New Member
Hi everybody, i'm Lauren. I'm new to this site but I have used it a lot over the past year without even realizing it! First, i'll tell you a little bit about myself
I'm 19, and I have struggled with my weight since about the age of 13, for many reasons really but one of which was because without knowing it I began to comfort eat as I got bullied in school. Ever since then I just got complacent with the way I was and never really saw myself as fat because all my family would tell me "You'll grow out of it, it's just puppy fat" so I thought that basically, I was fine and it was my bodies fault, which was obviously not the case.. It took me to about the age of 16 to realize what I had been doing to my own body, and I never used to like getting weighed because I was terrified, so at a rough guess i think i was about 14st something like that. I tried doing dieting, exercising etc but i never had enough will power because i'd drilled it into my head that it was just a "puppy fat" phase, and i'd grow out of it. However, nothing changed. I'd continue to eat unhealthily and pile on the pounds until just under a year ago. February 2013, I went to a concert with my friend, I bought a pair of jeans (which i'd never ever usually wear, i'm a leggings kind of girl) and i think they were a size 20.. i could of cried in the middle of the shop even contemplating buying a pair of jeans sized 20 at 18 years of age, i was genuinely repulsed at myself, so anyway.. i went to get dressed, and the jeans they didn't fit me, they were way too small & never in my life have i ever felt so disappointed.. i had to put my leggings back on because i felt disgusting, i felt uncomfortable & that for me was the turning point. I hit a major depressive mode, I went on a crazy diet that i'd made up myself, and i remember weighing myself before hand and being on the heavier side of 18st.. My crazy diet phase was the worst mistake i ever made, i cut out everything, and i mean everything. i'd have dry brown toast for breakfast, no snacks all day, turkey salad for lunch, and salad for dinner. For the first week I felt amazing, I got weighed and found i'd lost 10LB!! IN THE FIRST WEEK! i was ecstatic! But the second week, everything got too repetitive and I missed my little treats, I made some weird soup for my lunch and i broke down in tears, I couldn't cope with it! Eventually, i gave up.. AGAIN.
In the September of 2013, My auntie & my nan joined Slimming World, and as possibly the most self conscious person on the planet, I asked them to tell me how it works and some recipes etc.. which they did because i was and still am petrified that i'll be the biggest person there at my age. So i decided i'd look up all the information and see what i have to do, and I realized that i'd have to weigh myself again since the last time which was about 6 months earlier. In the meantime i hadn't been dieting properly but i had been going to the gym and trying to cut out the rubbish. So i hopped onto the scales in Boots and i weighed 17st 10lb. Which i was very surprised by. So from that day, i began my Slimming World journey.
I do all of the cooking in our house (Cooking for my mum, 2 sisters and brother) so they are all on the slimming world diet without even knowing it! A few simple changes and everything tastes a million times better and is a million times nicer! it's amazing!
Never in my life have i been so happy. Currently weighing 16st 2lbs (need to get weighed in two days ahh) i'm progressing nicely
I think that's a current weight loss of 22lbs since i started slimming world 7 months ago, and about 36lbs since i weighed myself back in February & there is no way i'm looking back. 
So basically, this is just my introduction, & i wish you all well on your individual journeys and please, if you need any advice or anything i'm more than happy to help.
To all the other young ladies out there who are in the same position as i am, please don't give up. i'm nowhere near where i want to be, but i've never been so happy. it's a tough old journey but i can tell already it's been worth every single moment.
So yeah.. i'm Lauren & i'm on a mission
P.S - Those size 20 jeans? ... too big for me now
In the September of 2013, My auntie & my nan joined Slimming World, and as possibly the most self conscious person on the planet, I asked them to tell me how it works and some recipes etc.. which they did because i was and still am petrified that i'll be the biggest person there at my age. So i decided i'd look up all the information and see what i have to do, and I realized that i'd have to weigh myself again since the last time which was about 6 months earlier. In the meantime i hadn't been dieting properly but i had been going to the gym and trying to cut out the rubbish. So i hopped onto the scales in Boots and i weighed 17st 10lb. Which i was very surprised by. So from that day, i began my Slimming World journey.
I do all of the cooking in our house (Cooking for my mum, 2 sisters and brother) so they are all on the slimming world diet without even knowing it! A few simple changes and everything tastes a million times better and is a million times nicer! it's amazing!
Never in my life have i been so happy. Currently weighing 16st 2lbs (need to get weighed in two days ahh) i'm progressing nicely
So basically, this is just my introduction, & i wish you all well on your individual journeys and please, if you need any advice or anything i'm more than happy to help.
To all the other young ladies out there who are in the same position as i am, please don't give up. i'm nowhere near where i want to be, but i've never been so happy. it's a tough old journey but i can tell already it's been worth every single moment.
So yeah.. i'm Lauren & i'm on a mission
P.S - Those size 20 jeans? ... too big for me now