Morning everyone
SC, what a fantastic loss, that week not stressed on the plan payed off and 2.5 just to go now for oyur 5stone! Very impressive.
Pesty, thats so sweet of OH to cook for you, its really working out for the both of you, really pleased for you.
Ronnie, I'm shocked that you only gained 1/2lb on your birthday week?? Thats brilliant. You would have lost that the day after WI, so next weeks loss will be a good one me thinks.
I didn't finish til 8.15pm last night, started at 9.15am, so worked all the way through, never made it to the gym but am going today, tomorrow and Sunday to make up for it
. I was so tempted to get a chinese on the way home last night as was famished.. but resisted, and cooked some noodles with quorn and veggies and that only came out at 3 syns, once I added black bean sauce! Was aiming at EE day, but it kind of ended up Green, so have 10 syns carried over from this week.
I've agreed to work this eve, the other night weekend carer, her mum died, so we are all sharing her shifts and i offered to do the Friday eve. So might go for Special fried rice tonight for 10 syns and treat myself with a curly wirly too
nomm nommm.
My daughter got engaged yesterday
, but only found out on FaceBook, she'd pasted it up on her status, so I was a little hurt, but thnk she didn't actually think further then feeling happy and wanting to tell everyone. Am happy for her, she's had so much happen since she was born, with illnesses, diagnosed with FAnconi's syndrome at 1 years old, then went through school statemented, in and out of Gt Ormand Street for 7 years. So she has really come on and developed into a lovely young woman, she's holding down 2 part time cleaning jobs and still goes out to look for better jobs with her new found confidence. Her boyfriend is nice, doesn't pressure her, loves her to bits and think they will really be happy.
Anyway, enough of me and mine, lol.. hope you all have a great day. xxx