From here to Eternally Slim

That's a very brave way to go about it, EF.
At least you'll know then, one way or the other.
But I imagine you're going to struggle to concentrate on anything until you get his answer.

Hugs, anyway, and I hope it works out for you - whichever way that in your heart of hearts you would really wish.
Just got a message from him, he said that he would talk to me direct,so suggested he call me at 5.45pm, just to make sure that kids can't overhear anything that is said.xx
Oh huni, I'm really really hoping all works out well, it is a good sign that he's willing to talk to you directly about it, and that you dont have to wait until really late to know what is going on.


Aw Ef thinking of you, hope it all goes well, but either way at least you will know x x
I know we're all mainly waiting to hear from EF, but I'll just relieve the boredom for a moment by letting you know I lost a pound tonight. More later.
Hi guys

Am just popping on to say hello - am still about, not 100% but getting there. OH is quite poorly still - he's on his 3rd batch of anti-biotics at the mo.

EF am thinking of you hun and hope things go the way you want them to tonight *hugs* hope things start to look up once way or another for you esp in your work life at the moment.

Jim - congrats on your loss this week.
MLM - you will have your gain off within a couple of weeks at most.

Congrats on anyone who lost this week.
Anyone who gained or sts am sure you will have a loss next week.
Sorry if I've missed anyone out - head is still a little fuzzy.
Congratulations Sarah xxxxx

Still thinking of you EF xxx
Hoping that this post crosses with a reply from Nikki - and hoping above all that you managed to say what YOU needed to say and that he listened to you. Really really brave, you are. Good for you for not sticking your head in the sand and hoping it would all go away.

Mammaminx is v proud of you.

***giant hugs***
Still no sign of you EF, have been checking in all night but this thread has refused to budge from the last post. I hope that this means you have taken the time to talk things through properly but have been unable to make it online. Looking forward to hearing from you tomorrow. x
Hope your ok Ef x c
Morning everyone

So sorry I couldn't get back on here yesterday eve. Went out to the gym as couldn't get on home PC and tried accessing this via my mobile but I just get a blank page.

Updates. Spoke to him about how I feel and that I am willing to go if things don't improve, if he makes no effort and that I wouldn't hang about putting up with the crap. But that also, that I couldn't go overnight due to financies, so he'd have to help me in that way to make that possible sooner rather then later. He went on to tell me tht all the rows are initiated from me, and that he was fed up with that. Agreed that Im not a yes woman and unlike his wife (though I didn't say this) I have an opinion and as I do have that opinion, he doesn't like it. He started getting loud and shouting, so I left and went to gym. Came back and I didn't say much more, then what Id said before I left. Nothing was resolved apart from that I will go to my brothers on Sat (fireworks) without him with my son and will spend Monday and Tuesday night at my sisters house to get away from this. He asked why I wanted to do that, so I said I needed space to be with my family without him about making me feel uncomfortable.

Told him that Christmas if Im here then I'll spend that with my family and friends, as he has stated that he is going away with his family all new year without me.

I've learned a bit about myself from all of this, is that the moment I feel hurt I lash out verbally. I need to find the strength to walk away at that time, and pretend it means nothing. As he seems to get off on that reaction every time and then things escalate as they have done.

I do think by talking to him last night, its left him with that thought that I won't put up with things and that I can walk away and ive the strength to do that too.

For now, its quieter and just civil, he knows how I feel and though has not said how he feels about me (love me etc..), I can see a glimmer of worry now with him.

Can I just say how wonderful you have all been.. and how much I appreciate that. Thank you so much.

Gonna hit the shower now and get to work (a little later today) and will pop back in later.

Thanks again xxxxx
Well done Sarah on your lb loss!!!

EF huni i am so UNBELIEVEABLY proud of you.

Yes he may not have told you how he feels but in a way that is better. He didnt come back with some rash comment saying that he didnt love you, get out, etc which we all know would have been just to hurt you.

He knows exactly how you feel and now he has the time to think about it before he responds. Knowing how you feel gives him the chance to react to it. i.e make the effort or decide mutually that its not working.

I am the same as you in the sense that i when im hurt i lash out verbally - its very hard to stop yourself.

I think you've done the best thing that you possibly could. Your now in control but the ball is in his court as to what he wants to do about it.

Well done you!!

Aw Ef, at least you both know where you stand now, and hope it's given him something serious to consider x x
Very proud of you EF, you've stood your ground and shown your OH just how strong you are. I hope your situation improves and that you have a lovely weekend with your family.
