Afternoon all!
Had a terrible nights sleep last night, first I couldnt get to sleep because my head was whirring with all the things I need to do before my sisters arrive, so I got up and wrote them all down on the computer in a list to try and clear my head a bit. Then I went back to bed and listened to a self-hypnosis app on my phone, in the hope that that would make me doze off, and while it did its job in terms of relaxing me I was still awake when it was finished. Then I did doze off, only to have a nightmare that I couldnt wake up properly out of, kept thinking I had woken myself up properly only to go back into the same storyline over and over.
So I am pretty zonko today BUT my stomach does feel a bit better. So its not all bad news! WI tonight, everyone keep your fingers crossed for a 2lb off for my stone sticker plz. Have managed to avoid the scales all week thus far, but with that random day on Saturday I could have thrown the week out.
I did make syn free KFC last night but didnt enjoy it as much as usual, think my tastebuds have been a bit out with the bug, or I overdid the mixed herbs or something.
Hello to Libra, welcome in, what a lovely scale related name you have.

Good luck for your first WI.