Hi everyone, I'm creeping back after a not-so-good few days

only my second week as well!
Just been reading through the last few days' posts, and you're all doing so well

and I am adding our group's banner to my signature!
So since Friday night's slip, I've drifted off the plan

but thinking about it, it's only Saturday, Sunday, Monday and today that I haven't been 100% so maybe I can get back on track without having done too much damage.. I haven't been bingeing on junk, but I haven't been paying attention to what I'm eating/drinking really.
I'm kinda ashamed that I've fallen off the wagon in only my second week

I'm trying to identify at the reasons for it. The trigger was definitely the wine with my parents on Friday night, and the panic of having to quickly choose something I could eat from a pub menu for a meal out which wasn't planned. Then on Saturday night, I went out with my friends; cue a lot of vodka. On Sunday, I was feeling a bit dejected, and had a roast dinner. But overall, food isn't the issue, it's the bloody alcohol! I'm thinking it's going to have to be cut back to one night a week, using syns I've saved from the week.
Another reason is I'm the only one in the house who's doing SW, and as my dad and stepmum generally do the shopping and cooking, it can feel like a chore making sure there's food in that I can eat. However! My stepmum has said she wants to come to group with me, having lost a fair bit with SW in the past, and my dad would then get on board too, so that'd mean a lot more support and motivation from them
And the other main reason is I don't think I'm using my syns properly, and I was feeling a bit deprived. I think I'm still in the diet mindset, where it's wrong to eat treats, and I've been avoiding syns for that reason

I'm going to try to have between 5 and 10 a day now though; hopefully it'll help to keep me on plan.
So, I'm going to WI tomorrow evening, although I'm not expecting a loss. I just want to get back on track now, and try to work through these things that are holding me back.
If you're still with me at this point, apologies for the essay! I just needed to sound off I think..