Plodding on.......
Honestly Dawn, I hadn't even realised I created an album! - I was going to remove it, but I think the whole honesty thing is what SW and weightloss is about.
Feeling great is better than a lottery win in many ways.
You just can't buy it!
I'm with you on that one Steve.
This site is the one place where I can be pretty open and frank about stuff, safe in the knowledge that there's bound to be someone here who has experienced the same feelings, and also (hopefully) that I won't be laughed at.
I can't wait to shift these last 2 stones or so and REALLY feel the benefit of it!arty0011: With 3 stones gone so far, I'm already fitting in lots of my old 'thin' clothes, & can walk, even run, further and faster than I've been able to do in a long time. I used to pull myself up the stairs using the I run up!
Your pics are great hunni! They are a testament & a reminder of all your hard work and dedication... not only to the plan but to yourself too :happy096: Of course you shouldn't remove them!
Still can't help thinking though that boxers might encourage a wider audience...:giggle:
LOL Dawn. I think it's brilliant Steve - I know not everyone can put photos up (for various reasons) but I think that those who do really motivate people at different stages of their weight loss journey (and for me it's nice to put a face to a name
Have a lovely outing tomorrow. I love walking in the wet and wind (as long as it's not too cold) - really makes you feel good and virtuous !!! Have fun.
Gail x