As I alluded to in my previous post, I have only one leg. Quite dramatic eh? - but not nowhere near as bad as man-flu (Influenzus Geezerus)!
After being dropped off by the girlies last night (did I mention it was 5 girlies and me? - they never got a word in

) I tried to run up a little hill near where I live and felt what I thought was a camera or iphone fall from my pocket hitting the back of my leg!
Nothing was missing, despite a search of the grass with my phone torch (Iphone has everything lol) I then honestly thought someone had thrown a stone and hit the back of my leg - on the right calf! - there was what I could only describe as a thud, or "pop".
I could barely put my fooy down but was stuck half way up a steep bank in agony. Oh and since my booze intake for the night had consisted on one pint of Fosters and an Irish Coffee (Mr Smirnoff was in Russia, apparently). I was not sufficently anaethetised and it bloody hurt.
I tried hot and cold, massage, stretching, resting etc. but am in agony. Have phoned one of the ramblers and told them I cant make the annual Xmas walk and social today. I am gutted about that. I am about to go to A&E to see what I need to do as I have to arrange work and two people rely on me for a lift
I would even have went with the ramblers just for the meal and the festivities and pressie exchanges etc. but I can't. I am damaging achilles and knee just to walk without pain. I feel such a wimp having conquered most of the north's peaks to be beaten by a hill of about 25-30 feet!
I'll see what the medics recommend, as I'd probably just amputate!
At least i wont be eating a third off-plan lunch - unless A&E give me the all clear and I'm driving up there....well, it IS paid for
So glad I wan't drunk now as I'd have probably done untold damage.
Moral of the story?
Don't have a mountain of food, and leave Running up that hill to Kate Bush!
Will report back later as I'm grounded:wave_cry: