From Maximus to Minimus - coming soon!

Afternoon Stevie Baby - I'm back from my travels


Sorry to miss this - but away from the big wide world of technology in Cornwall. Don't do i-phone etc as they cost so blumin' much to run in Spain.

Maybe I'm being thick or have I just missed something here?

PS I didn't get your PM . . .

Bev, you've lost me? - which PM are you referring to? - A February meet of SW people has been vaunted (is that the right word?) you can be guest of honour from Spain;)

Alternatively, have one "over there" and I'll come over - invite my mumsie (Sue, Fillymum).
Bev, you've lost me? - which PM are you referring to?
Me doth think that Stevie overestimates his popularity :8855:
Re ChelseI thinketh thou is drunk!

The fact only two people "liked" your comment means I'm mega-popular with the rest. Oh and I WILL be PM'ing those individuals:eek: ;)
I was one of the individuals that agreed with the lovely Lou. So where's my PM?

A February meet of SW people has been vaunted (is that the right word?) you can be guest of honour from Spain;)

Alternatively, have one "over there" and I'll come over - invite my mumsie (Sue, Fillymum).
Hah - no PM required on this. It's in the diary. And if I can get there I will! And it's just twigged what Feb 4th is!!! Useless, aren't I? Now don't answer that!
Not a word from me Bev;)

My first of 3 xmas do's was a disaster. The food from quality (oxymoron for a start) quantity (ravenous northerners do not expect nouveau cuisine - it's Washington County Durham FFS!)

Bad planning, a blue comedian, (I finished his jokes as Chubby Brown got there years before him) - most of the ramblers were WI members:eek:

Unruly guests on adjacent tables and a restaurant manager who must have been about 12! - He didn't appreciate it when I rather rudely answered his flippant comment that he "Can't do anything about it" with the answer that "Perhaps when your balls drop you can?"

Ok, not big or clever, but if the restaurant manager can't do anything about it, then we're all doomed.

I hope tonight's in a "proper" restaurant is better.


Pre-starter (bread)

Toasted bread topped with chopped tomatoes, olives, onion, basil & garlic, all marinated in extra virgin olive oil


Game Terrine
Slow cooked game including venison, pigeon & pheasant then mixed with capers, freshly chopped herbs & spices. Served with a balsamic baby onion compote & toast


Mixed Sizzler
Fillets of chicken & slices of beef fillet char grilled, then served on a bed of sizzling onions, mushrooms & tomatoes with chefs sizzling dressing


Cheese & Biscuits
Selection of cheese with crunchy biscuits, fruit chutney & grapes

Wish me luck!! - I think we'll call that one extra easy and maybe 15 syns max;)

Diet coke and super-free Smirnoff - haway man, it is Christmas and the car's staying home!


Wish me luck!! - I think we'll call that one extra easy and maybe 15 syns max;)

Diet coke and super-free Smirnoff - haway man, it is Christmas and the car's staying home!​

Hasn't Smirnoff always been superfree?
No? Oh sh1t, that's where I've been going wrong . . . :cry:
Morning Stevie baby x

Last nite sounds a bit rubbish hunni! More than a bit actually!!!

Wot a useless idiot that manager was :( And not like you to come back with a cheeky little witticism like that...! ;)

It's a shame about the food though...I'd have picked up a bag of chips on the way home lol!

Anyway, hope tonites do is a lot better hun...the menu certainly sounds tasty x Have a fab time! x
Have a better time tonight, Steve. (I'm still working on a permanent name to match Sassy...)

I think all those breads, marinades, dressings, biscuits, chutney and drinks are Free Foods, aren't they?
Shame last night was a disaster, but the menu for tonight sounds delicious :)

Enjoy the syn free smirnoff x

It is an impressive-looking repast. I'm quite impressed with my choices - normally I'm a soup for starters and ice cream to finish, person.

Hasn't Smirnoff always been superfree?
No? Oh sh1t, that's where I've been going wrong . . . :cry:

No, you are correct. The girls at work assure me anything that is both alcoholic AND clear is free on all plans (unless mixed with full-sugared coke)

That includes Gin, right Lynn?

Morning Stevie baby x

Last nite sounds a bit rubbish hunni! More than a bit actually!!!

Wot a useless idiot that manager was :( And not like you to come back with a cheeky little witticism like that...! ;)

It's a shame about the food though...I'd have picked up a bag of chips on the way home lol!

Anyway, hope tonites do is a lot better hun...the menu certainly sounds tasty x Have a fab time! x

Actually I did buy a bag of chips! - I had planned my whole week and day etc. around that. I was fairly angry, that is not me. Daft now, but what the hell. This was always going to be a weekend off plan (as was last weekend of course).

Naturally, the acid-test is how I recover & respond to it. One more Christmas lunch (tomorrow in the Nothumberland Hamlet of Craster (you'll know it Sarah?)

Just hope that useless bloody comedian isn't there:eek:

Have a better time tonight, Steve. (I'm still working on a permanent name to match Sassy...)

I think all those breads, marinades, dressings, biscuits, chutney and drinks are Free Foods, aren't they?

Superfree if I have 1/3 Smirnoff on extra easy;)

If any of you recall, last Christmas I was 100% and my 12 days of Christmas challenge was to walk 5 miles each days - I got lost in them drifts. Not much fun having little legs:p

Thanks for all your approval/support. Failure is not an option, but slipping is not a disaster either.

Besides, my halo should be back from the cleaners soon.....;)

Enjoy your respecive weekends everyone and remember, Do as I say, NOT as I do!

Sinking Steve
Hope you're out walking tomorrow to compensate for the superfree Smirnoff? :D

Have a good night tonight and hope the hangover isn't too bad tomorrow!


Mixed Sizzler
Fillets of chicken & slices of beef fillet char grilled, then served on a bed of sizzling onions, mushrooms & tomatoes with chefs sizzling dressing

OMG! :eek:

How did I not see this before??? :d'oh:

Did you get two chicken fillets hunni or just the one...??? :banana dancer:

PMSL! :8855:
Ok, I'd eaten one piece of the bruschetta before remembering the picture! - apologies for the ambient lighting. It was in between good and flash lighting if that makes sense!


Fair game!


Sizzling chicken & beef - loads of it too


Cheeseboard shared with my mate Carol


Carol's dessert platter shared with me!


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Now that looks yummier than last night sounded!

Steve - how do you get the photos in like that? Have you uploaded striaght from your phone? Or via Minis album or via a photo-sharing site? Mine never look like that!
Evening/morning Steve x that food looks a helluva lot better that the muck you were describing last night lol!

And Bevs right ... the pics from your phone are really good.

I'll just have the cheese board and the dessert please...and a nice bottle of red! :party0036:
Yum yum *drools at pudding platter* !

Gail x
Food looks yummy! I also want to know how you uploaded those pics. Can't work out how to include pics although finally managed to upload avatar pic!
Hope your head is alright after all the vodka;). Mine isn't which is why I am typing this message at 3am having just had a middle of the night berrocca!:rolleyes:
Personally, I think the photos are poor, I tried with flash, but they then looked a little "washed out" (ok then, over-exposed lol). We were seated in a little corner room with a table for 6. The light was great for eating and chatting but not photos on an iphone 4 lol.

You have Gadget Gail (waheey I like it) to thank as with the Iphone and minimins app, it is so simple to post even a man with one leg and a fat belly with irish coffee in him can do it!

On the iphone, app, press reply to thread, then at the top of the screen is a little plus sign (+) when you click that you can add from either your existing albums, your camera roll or take a pic there and then. The iphone/app then immediately uploads it in seconds and there is no work to be done - it must reduce the resloution of the pic to suit the website - all very clever but I'm sure gadget-Gail will keep me righ as 'twas Gail who teached me;)
As I alluded to in my previous post, I have only one leg. Quite dramatic eh? - but not nowhere near as bad as man-flu (Influenzus Geezerus)!

After being dropped off by the girlies last night (did I mention it was 5 girlies and me? - they never got a word in;)) I tried to run up a little hill near where I live and felt what I thought was a camera or iphone fall from my pocket hitting the back of my leg!

Nothing was missing, despite a search of the grass with my phone torch (Iphone has everything lol) I then honestly thought someone had thrown a stone and hit the back of my leg - on the right calf! - there was what I could only describe as a thud, or "pop".

I could barely put my fooy down but was stuck half way up a steep bank in agony. Oh and since my booze intake for the night had consisted on one pint of Fosters and an Irish Coffee (Mr Smirnoff was in Russia, apparently). I was not sufficently anaethetised and it bloody hurt.

I tried hot and cold, massage, stretching, resting etc. but am in agony. Have phoned one of the ramblers and told them I cant make the annual Xmas walk and social today. I am gutted about that. I am about to go to A&E to see what I need to do as I have to arrange work and two people rely on me for a lift:(

I would even have went with the ramblers just for the meal and the festivities and pressie exchanges etc. but I can't. I am damaging achilles and knee just to walk without pain. I feel such a wimp having conquered most of the north's peaks to be beaten by a hill of about 25-30 feet!

I'll see what the medics recommend, as I'd probably just amputate!

At least i wont be eating a third off-plan lunch - unless A&E give me the all clear and I'm driving up there....well, it IS paid for:cool:

So glad I wan't drunk now as I'd have probably done untold damage.

Moral of the story?

Don't have a mountain of food, and leave Running up that hill to Kate Bush!

Will report back later as I'm grounded:wave_cry:
Oh dear.

The "pop" sounds like a tendon snapping.
And I promise you, that's not nice. Not nice at all.

So here's hoping you're mistaken, Long John Steve.