From Mis-shaped to....?

Had a fab weekend away with friends. Absolutely no clue how many calories I consumed but surprisingly, I don't feel bloated or uncomfortable which I would have done before. It's like ADF gives your body permission to really enjoy food and drink, knowing that a 'rest' is just around the corner!

Not had anything yet today, apart from a cup of tea this morning. I decided to give my body a proper break today and will just have some homemade veg soup later, I think. So aiming for a very low DD. Feels good though!

Weight + 4lbs
Great plan Miss isn't it fab to be able to enjoy yourself with friends for a full weekend without feeling guilty or worried of what damage you will do?
Had a nice UD today - not logged on MFP but made a mental note and think around 2000 cals. Done 550 cals of exercise - nice run tonight.

Yesterday's weight +4lbs from Sat WI (2 UDs)
This morning's weight +1.75lbs from Sat WI (1 DD)
MissHapp said:
Had a nice UD today - not logged on MFP but made a mental note and think around 2000 cals. Done 550 cals of exercise - nice run tonight.

Yesterday's weight +4lbs from Sat WI (2 UDs)
This morning's weight +1.75lbs from Sat WI (1 DD)

Excellent (if I am understanding it correctly!) means u have dropped a fair bit with yr DD :) x
Excellent (if I am understanding it correctly!) means u have dropped a fair bit with yr DD :) x

Yeah, seemed to have this time... think I've just started TOTM as well, so I don't know if that has had something to do with it. My DD on Monday was my lowest yet, at around 200 cals, I think and I decided to 'fast' for as much of the day as I could manage - not eating at all until my evening meal of homemade veg soup, strawberries and 0% yoghurt. It felt very comfortable too, after two very good UDs!

Im going to do the same tomorrow if I can manage it!
Morning all!

Mon +4lbs from Sat WI (2 UDs)
Tues +1.75lbs from Sat WI (1 DD)
Weds +1.25lbs from Sat WI (1 UD)

Interesting that yet again, I drop after an UD!
looking good Miss and it just shows that we should not get to hang up about the scale results, its different for everyone. some lose after DD's some after their UD's as long as we re losing that s the mainxxx
Another DD almost done :)

Held off eating until about 6pm and had a portion of homemade veg soup which I made in bulk on Monday and batched up into the freezer. Followed with kids' size banana and some 0% yoghurt. No milk at all today - just drank water and some sainsburys no added pineapple/grapefruit.

Total cals 295.

It definitely feels better for me holding off until dinner time rather than starting to eat at breakfast or lunch. Mmmm, now...what to have tomorrow?!
Morning all! It's an UD! :D

Mon +4lbs from Sat WI (2 UDs)
Tues +1.75lbs from Sat WI (1 DD)
Weds +1.25lbs from Sat WI (1 UD)
Thurs - 0.75lbs from Sat WI (1DD)

I'm wondering if the fact I am 'fasting' for around 20 hours or so on DDs is having more of an impact on my weight loss? Not eating at all until the evening certainly makes it easier for me to get through a DD.

Not sure what I'm going to have on my UD today. Maybe some shredded wheat for breakfast, some houmous at lunch on some yummy Dr Karg crisp breads, roast chicken for dinner? Decisions, decisions! Need to run too at some point.

Off into work today - end of the long summer break beckons
Few too may choccie biscuits today... Ooops. Never mind, I ran them off with a 10k run, burning over 800 cals! Woohoo!

Just cooking toad in the hole with lots of veg andgravy. Mmm. Chocolate cake also being baked as I type. All is good!
oh my gawd!! Tod in a hole sounds divine!! i'm having that soon :D
Mon +4lbs from Sat WI (2 UDs) 15st 0.5 - eeek, thought I'd never see that number again!
Tues +1.75lbs from Sat WI (1 DD) 14 st 12.25
Weds +1.25lbs from Sat WI (1 UD) 14st 11.75
Thurs - 0.75lbs from Sat WI (1DD) 14st 9.75
Fri - 1.75 lbs from Sat WI (1UD) - yup, minus all that - after an UD! 14st 8.75

This diet never ceases to amaze me... there is no telling when our bodies are letting go of fat stores. I am 1.75 lbs down from last Sat's WI with another DD to go! Amazing! Apart from after my two UDs, I have lost every single day this week - how bizarre.

Keeping going with my DD plan to fast until dinner time when I'll have some homemade veg soup, fruit and yoghurt. Must make up some sugar free jelly for an emergency post dinner extra if needed!

Have a great day - whether it's UD or DD!
FAB results whoop whoop. I am making some jelly today as well.
It's clearly jelly DD throughout the land today then! My biggest decision of the day is which flavour ... ;)

P x
Mon +4lbs from Sat WI (2 UDs) 15st 0.5 - eeek, thought I'd never see that number again!
Tues +1.75lbs from Sat WI (1 DD) 14 st 12.25
Weds +1.25lbs from Sat WI (1 UD) 14st 11.75
Thurs - 0.75lbs from Sat WI (1DD) 14st 9.75
Fri - 1.75 lbs from Sat WI (1UD) 14st 8.75
Sat - 2.25lbs from Sat WI (1 DD) 14st 8.25

This week:

Highest weight - 15st 0.5lbs
lowest weight - 14st 8.25lbs
Average weight - approx 14st 10lbs

Weight lost from last week's WI to this week's WI - 2.25lbs
weight lost on ADF so far: 4.25lbs in 4 weeks. Moved from vlcd and no weight gained.
Total weight lost so far: 28.25lbs.

Well done on the loss :) xx
Sun 14st 8.25lbs (1UD) +0lbs from Sat WI
Mon 14st 9lbs (2UDs) + 0.75lbs from Sat WI

Interesting that I gained much less this week after 2 UDs than I did last week - difference was that last week I didn't manage to run as we were away and last week involved much booze!

Phew...ready for a DD now! Going to make enough soup for this week's DDs today and enjoy the BH.