From Miss Clumsy to Miss Graceful (hopefully!) :)

loving the positivity :D:D:D:D:D

that gain will be gone in no time and my take on it is that we are making changes for life so need to be able to enjoy our selves, but then get right back on track.

hope the dr has signed you off and you are taking care of your self :bighug:
loving the positivity :D:D:D:D:D

that gain will be gone in no time and my take on it is that we are making changes for life so need to be able to enjoy our selves, but then get right back on track.

hope the dr has signed you off and you are taking care of your self :bighug:

Exactly, I got it all out of my system now, and even the thought of drinking makes me a bit queasy at the minute lol!

Yes, the doctor did advise me to stay home, which I will for today and tomorrow, unfortunately I have to go back on Monday no matter what as my year 11 class is starting their controlled assessment, and as I have all of their research work for it on my school drive (meaning no-one can access it) I have to be there!

I will take it super-easy this weekend though so hopefully I will be back on better form on Monday! :)

Hope you are having a good day hun, xxx
Have had a lovely relaxing day. OH has gone off to work, and rather surprisingly he seemed worried about me, kept asking how I'm feeling, which he never does, I'm wondering if HE is feeling OK now? :)

Made my lovely vegetable soup, which I've had a bowl of already, and I've drunk lots of weak squash (no added sugar) to keep up my fluid intake.

Tried to have a little nap on the sofa but no luck, so ended up catching up on a bit of telly instead. :)

Might have a bit more soup later, it was really yummy!
OMG, I had such a strange dream last night; my C phoned me to tell me I was no longer allowed to attend any SW meetings as I had been seen out drinking in pubs and that this portrayed the organisation in a poor light. Funnily enough, at the time of the phone call I was drunkenly standing knee deep in a muddy stream :confused: but I started crying and begging my C to let me back in and that I would change my ways because I could not do this on my own. :eek:

When I woke up I was initially very confused and wondered if it was real, then I realised it has been rather a long time since I have been drunkenly standing knee deep in a muddy stream (oh, come on, we've all been there at some point or another ;)) and that this was only a dream. The relief was immense!!! :D :party0011: :D :party0011: :D :party0011:

Wonder what all that meant? It did show me how much I want this though, as my reaction was pure shock, fear and panic and I tell you, I am not the kind of person to beg! Maybe it's my conscience telling me I need to ensure I make the best possible effort and not to waste this?

Either way, I am sooo glad it was just a dream and today will be another 100% day!! :)
Right, I've shamelessly stolen this idea from Mandy, but I love it so much! Basically, I feel that I am currently getting myself a bit stressed over silly things, so each day I am going to list 3 positives (or things I am grateful for if all else fails lol), which will hopefully get me into a more positive way of thinking! So here are my positives for the day:

1 - My cough and throat is a bit better and I slept through the night!
2 - I have had breakfast this morning (vanilla Onken yogurt, blueberries and muesli sprinkled on top)
3 - The fire is on, I'm snuggled up on the sofa and both my cats are curled up near me purring away.

As soon as I am well I will be able to include exercise as my positives as well, I haven't been able to do any in a while now as I have had this horrid cough!! Soon back on it though! :)
It's only 9.50 and I already have my positives for today, feeling good! :) Here they are:

1 - slept until 8.30, meaning the cough is definitely subsiding and my bladder must be getting stronger lol!
2 - managed breakfast again! Yogurt, blueberries and muesli!
3 - OH is going to football today, meaning I get the house to myself for the afternoon (feel a bit mean saying that, but I have a Biggest Loser marathon planned lol)

Still feeling a bit ropey and am absolutely dying to do any kind of exercise, like walking or a bit of wii, but my body is still not ready for that, I can feel it. So I'm going to take it easy this weekend and hopefully be back in the gym next week! I'm determined!! :)

Have a fab day everyone, xxx
Did u enjoy yr afternoon alone?
I must admit I enjoy the house to myself sometimes x
Did u enjoy yr afternoon alone?
I must admit I enjoy the house to myself sometimes x

I definitely enjoyed having the house to myself, I made a lovely lunch of SW chips and veggie hotdogs and caught up on all of my Biggest Loser episodes! :)

Hope you are having a good day! xx
Back at work today, didn't feel ready (voice still sooo crackly) but as my Year 11s were starting their Controlled Assessments I had to be there. I took it very easy during the day and talked only when needed (which, I suppose, as a teacher is all the time lol) and although I came home with a thumping headache I'm glad I went.

Tomorrow I'm going in armed with painkillers and water bottles - I always end up rushing about during the day and hardly ever stop for a drink, so the plan is to bring it all so I'll have no excuse!! :)

Looking forward to WI on Wednesday, for a change, as I actually think I might have lost some of the Christmas indulgence this week. Can't be 100% sure of course, but I have stuck to plan and have written everything down, so here's to hoping. Only 2 more days to go! ;)

Must leave the laptop alone now, as staring at the screen is not helping my headache. Oh, I almost forgot to do my positives!

1 - back at work, feeling better
2 - walked home at 4.15pm, and it was still daylight! Spring must be coming!
3 - have eaten my 5 SF for today, which is what I promised myself I would do every day this year.

Have a lovely evening everyone, xx
I'm sure you'll have lost some!! Xx
So, that's Tuesday out of the way - another day closer to the weekend, yay! :)

And another day closer to my WI....despite my confidence the other day I'm suddenly not so sure I have lost this week, I have (for a change) managed to have all my HExA and Bs, and I feel like I've eaten loads over the last couple of days!

Oh well, I've tried my best, although spending best part of Thursday until Sunday laying on the sofa/in bed with Laryngitis probably didn't help matters. I know, I know, I am starting to worry about nothing, I know I should just wait until tomorrow and see!

Positives for today are:
1 - my year 11 students seemed to put in 100% effort into their controlled assessments - the proof will be in the marking though, but I am hopeful!
2 - I have had my 5 super frees again, which is great
3 - I have looked into dance classes - I used to do jazz three times a week years ago and even have the expensive shoes but have not done any for a while, looking forward to getting back into it! :)

Hope you are all having a fab evening, xxx
Been to WI and lost 2lbs!! To be honest, I would have liked 3, as that would have taken me out of that pesky 18 stone bracket, which when I came out of it I swore I would never get back into it but then Christmas with all its partying happened and the rest is history.

Oh well, I will get out of it next week and THEN I'll say I'm NEVER going back!! :D

Too tired to post anything sensible (like I usually do LOL) so am going to veg out on the sofa for a bit before Celebrity Big Brother.

Hope you are all having a lovely evening! :) xxx
Well done for the loss :) I'm just aiming for half a pound a week now...hope to not be dissapointed often! Lol xxx
Hi Everyone,

Thank you for all your support, I finally do feel like I'm back in the swing of it now! Only thing is, I'm back on antibiotics AGAIN!!

The doctor said last week to come back if I wasn't feeling better by the time I finished the tablets (which I did yesterday), and as my throat is no better at all (although, I do feel better in general but voice is still no good) I went back today after work.

It was quite funny really; I saw a different doctor today, and when he asked me to do the 'aaaaaa' business he took one look, then said 'OH MY GOD, your tonsils are HUGE!!! No wonder you are in agony!!'. Which kind of felt good, as up until now I have been thinking maybe it's all in my head if you know what I mean.

Anyway, I'm now on these super tablets for a week and am under strict instructions to come back straight away again if this doesn't help. :fingerscrossed:

Enough of my moaning. Let's focus on something positive, namely:
1 - it's Friday tomorrow!!! :)
2 - I'm going to start going out for a coffee with my lovely colleagues again on a Friday after school, which I started doing last year but then stopped for some reason, but tomorrow I'm re-joining them for a good old gossip for an hour or so. :blahblah:
3 - once again, I've had my 5 SF for the day! :)
OMG I'm so full up I think I might burst. Didn't make it out for coffee with my lovely colleagues in the end, as I was ravenous by the time I finished work and was scared I might end up scoffing a load of cake or something equally bad so I went home instead. Once home I cooked SW chips and eggs for tea and of course, being so hungry I made far too many chips, and of course I ended up eating the lot!

Oh well, at least I stuffed myself on free foods rather than sitting in a cafe eating cake I suppose! :)

Looking forward to a lovely quiet night in now; fire is on and cats are sleeping next to me surrounding me with a symphony of purrs so am feeling rather sleepy actually! Might need a little nap!

Lots of positives today, but I think my top three are:
1. Avoiding the temptation of cake, even if it meant I missed out on the gossip.
2. Five of my Y11 students showed up after school and spent an hour improving their course work - and I didn't even nag them to do it!!!
3. My new super antibiotics seem to be working already as I feel lots brighter today! :)

Have a lovely evening everyone, xxx
Bliss, have the house to myself as OH has gone to London with a friend to see a band.

I've got Biggest Loser USA (new series) on the box, and have had a lovely tea of rice, refried beans, tuna, grated carrots, salad and jalapenos. Have also eaten lots of fruit today so feeling pretty good about that. :D

Did pour a small glass of wine earlier (I know, I know, I am on antibiotics and should not be drinking but I cannot lie to you all) but then again that was 3 hours ago and I still haven't even finished the glass so not too worried about that. Seems my wild child lifestyle (I did after all move out when I was 16 so you can imagine!!) is well and truly over lol!

Have a lovely evening everyone, and do say hello if you have popped in! :) xxx