Well done you. congratulations on doing ur first brick. its crazy isn't it?! Mustve been really tough in this weather. High 5 for getting out there.
TI'm doing a bit of everything. Just trying to lose loads weight first! Here's today's session which I've copied from my diary.
7.30 1/2 banana shake
8.00 spin 45 mins. Was a killer with weights too
9.00-11.00 cardio 100 cals burned on each machine: wave, cross trainer, stair master, hand cycle thing, rower, bike and then back to wave. That's 700 cals in total.
11.00 class which turned out to be circuits. I have never been so exhausted. The same guy takes the class and its completely different every week. No two weeks same. If I knew what u was going into I'd avoid it but I survived! I never thought running with a fit ball raised above ur head fir 1 minute, could be so painful! It was relentless ;-/
Anyway I didn't have energy to put my cossie on n go to pool. I just drove home and am recovering on the couch now. Annoyed that I didn't go to pool but I know I really couldn't muster the energy!
So I must have burned at least 1000 cals.
Don't think j do this every day. It was just cos I was off work

need to get my arse into the pool! X
Ht 5ft 1 Start wt 14st BMI 37. Wk1 -18lbs, BMI 33.6 Wk2 -2 BMI 33.2, Wk3 -3.5 BMI 32.5, Wk4...