Funky's Journey Take2

This last week has completely thrown me off tack. My FIL was admitted in hospital after a serious illness and have been toing and frowing since then as have only been getting home after 9pm. On top of that could not make it to the pharm to collect my shakes...soooooo went back to old habits of eating late and loads!!!:eek:

Today is first day back to LT again.....and hoping I can keep going 100% again. I feel bloated and heavy....only being off LT for 10days....will be happier if I have not put on all I lost...(WI Thurs)

Soooooo I am relatively starting again!!!:confused:
Today was my WI which encouraged me to keep going....I have been wavering this week and in the two weeks I was off LT I put on 5lbs. I was expecting a lot more considering I ate so much carbs and very late as proves I am not ready for even a refeed. But hey such is life....I know this is going to be a long process and life is unpredictable....I know what I do when I am stressed and the past week stress crept in!!

I am going to be 100% and until I refeed. Good-bye August... Hello September!!!
keep at at. It is not an easy weight loss option you are doing well. we all waiver. Good luck.

weigh in -13st 1lb
week 1 -12st 4lb 11lbs lost
week 2 - 11st 13lbs 5lbs lost
week 3 - 11st 9lb 4lbs lost
week 4