Sounds like a good plan with the exercise. I love my gym. Have exercised regularly most of my adult life, so it's a bit of a routine for me anyhow (regardless of weight), and at the moment am doing a step class on a Mon morning and/or body attack class Tues morning, body pump Thurs evening, and body attack and body pump classes Sun morning. Love it all

That said, I haven't done anything since the week before Christmas. I had a rotten cough and cold for ages and then my gym shut for a couple of days due to frozen pipes or something, and I was generally just a bit lazy over Xmas anyhow. Back to it this evening though! Probably going to hurt lol. I've seen the Zumba class there, but never given it a go. Let us know what you think
Hope your headache is a bit better this morning. I've woken up with a stonker of one. Think that's more down to lack of sleep though than the diet.
Have a good day
