Funny Farm's Diary


Silver Member
I'm new to Exante, but sadly not new to dieting!

I lost 4 stone on Lighter Life a few years ago, I kept most of it off and then returned to comfort eating, which has been my downfall. I'd gone up to a size 14 which I'd hovered around at, and then gave up smoking, changed my job (I used to be a dog walker which burned more calories than I thought!) and I'm now an 18. I was a 20-22 to before starting LL the first time, went down to a 10 and then settled at size 12 for 2 years. I feel like that's a natural size for my body to be, and I maintained that with no effort on my part.

I'm starting Exante because it's cheaper than LL and CD, and I know dieting isn't the solution for me, I need to reprogramme the way I feel about food. I need a couple of months break from eating so I can put those bad habits behind me, and replace them with better ones. I need practice at dealing with difficult situations (boredom, tiredness, sadness) without turning to food, and I also need a break of relying on alcohol socially.

I recently had an argument with my boyfriend, and thought we were going to break up. I couldn't help thinking if I were thinner he would love me more, and as much as I know that's utterly insane, it did make me realise that it's at the point where I'm desperately unhappy with where I am. He hasn't even noticed that I'm 2 dress sizes bigger than when we met a year ago, or that the jeans I was wearing 3 months ago no longer fit! He's part of the reason I want to do this. I don't want him to feel embarrassed when he introduces me to people, and while I know he'd never feel that, I'd love it if I could make him proud.

I can't track myself through my weight, because I can't bring myself to weigh myself at the moment. I'm going with clothes, and I've sorted out a few pairs of jeans in order of size.

The first pair are my 16s. I was wearing them every day a few months ago, and then when I tried them on the other day, I couldn't even get the button to meet the button hole! Horrible moment.

Day one of the Total Solution plan was Friday. This morning, I tried on those jeans again, and I can button them up! I couldn't go out in them though, it's less of a muffin top, and more of a bloomer loaf top, but it's still progress and that'll help motivate me.

I'm breaking my goals down into manageable chunks. I've only really got the next few weeks sorted out, but here they are.

WEEK 1 - Stick to it. This might seem like a silly and obvious goal, but I think the first week will be the hardest, I've already forgotten about it several times and thought 'ooh I fancy I can't' so I'm hoping after a week my brain will have realised, and my body will have stopped asking me for food.
Reward: Pamper night (Lush bath ballistic, massage from the boy), film and sofa cuddles.

WEEK 2 - routine. I work from home and start at 8am, so I often roll out of bed and start work in my pyjamas. I think it's bad for my body, because it's hard to tell when the day has started, and bad for my mental health, for similar reasons. The plan for week 2 is to get out of bed at 7am, and walk the dog before work, and a longer one straight after. The benefits are two fold for this. Starting the day with something energising will help me feel motivated throughout the day. It'll be good for the dog, and it's a mood boost. A better mood booster than a bar of chocolate, too.
Reward: Mobile phone cover

WEEK 3 - Get out of breath. A direct follow on from week 2, during the dog walks I'm going to walk a little bit faster, or go a little bit further. Just enough to get me puffing a bit. Again, a very minor step but laying the way for a more demanding exercise regime later on.
Reward: A few second hand clothes, will probably be back in 16s by 3 weeks of the milkshakes, and I wasn't a 16 for very long on the way up so won't have much that fits then!

I've got a few other ideas for the future, but one step at a time!

I'm currently on day 3, and seriously considering eating the cat. She could live without her tail, right?

(I just tried to post this and it vanished, so now I'm worried I'll have 2 of these come up, if that happens, I'm sorry!)
hi there and welcome, i started exante TS on Monday so am weighing in for the first time tomorrow morning. I've stuck to it 100% and trust me by day 5 you should stop feeling hungry when the ketosis kicks in. This forum is great for support and ive spent loads of time reading about peoples weight loss journeys, its helping to inspire me.

If u need any support i'm here, ive got around 3 and a half stone to lose so i'm dedicating myself to it 100% and it sounds like u are the same. Good idea going by clothes, i wish i had the courage to leave the scales alone by once a week will help motivate me.

How u feeling today?

I've been using other people's stories as inspiration too! Hopefully pretty soon people will be feeling inspired by our success, eh?

I've been really craving pasta, to the point that it's been driving me crazy. Boyfriend is currently eating pasta so I've had to leave the room. I was almost in tears! I figure if I can get through the next couple of days then I'd be mad to risk chucking it all away and having to start again.

Best of luck with your weigh in tomorrow, I bet that'll spur you on! I'm going to read some stories on here to get me through because I'm really struggling at the moment!
Hy funnyfarm, that's a very well laid out plan!! I am on week 3 and do occasionally struggle with it, but then I think how long I been feeling like crap, having my life go by not being able to enjoy it. I also get thoughts like my OH would be proud of me if I was thinner, love me more etc that's the few reasons am doing it. And thn I think of how good I will feel when I am thin and fit, hw I can wear all the clothes I want to without having to pick clothes to cover me up, hw proud my family will be, the compliments,the expression on peoples faces (ESP the ones who were rude abt my weight) keeps me going. Plus th forum is an amazing support!! Keep going dear!! You will make it,we will make it!! Xx
I LOVE the quote on your avatar! The way I'm trying to deal with cravings is by telling myself I can have those things if I want them, I'm making a choice not to have them, and that choice is because of how unhappy I am with the way I look right now.

I survived the test anyway, and with hormones messing me up as well, I think it'll never be harder than it is now.

I'm going to write your quote down and try to remember it when I feel myself struggling.
don't panic you can do this, ive lost 9.5lbs this week through sticking with this diet TS 100% and im sure once you get weighed and see the scales going down it will help motivate you to keep going. It certainly has for me!

Hows today going? Drink loads of water (sipping) and it should curb those cravings :)

Hol x
Good afternoon FunnyFarm, welcome and good luck on your Exante journey.

As you've done LL before then you'll know that once you've got through the first 3-7 days and into ketosis, then it does get easier.
Also I think seeing such a fab week one weight loss adds to the motivation too.

Hope you've found today easier and your cat still possesses a tail! :D :hug99: xx
Day 4 done. Animals intact, boyfriend sworn at lots and just taking it because he's a star! :D

Tomorrow is the anniversary of our first date, can't believe we survived the year when he's such an idiot! I accidentally referred to it as our wedding anniversary earlier, because I'm a bit disorientated on the diet (good excuse, right?) and being divorced I sometimes revert to old habits, oops!

I'm a bit worried about tomorrow, part of me doesn't see how I can enjoy it if I can't eat. It also reminds me why I need to do this diet so desperately! My relationship with food is messed up again, and I need that time away from it to realise that food isn't the be all and end all of pleasure!

Boyfriend is a former alcoholic so he totally understands how I feel and that it's an addiction. It also means he's got some fab advice and encouragement for me. I'm starting to wish I'd responded to his last "I love you" with an "I love you, too", rather than the torrent of swear words I opted for! :eek:
Good morning FunnyFarm :hug99: xx

Well done on getting through day 4. Stay strong for today.
I personally wouldn't eat this close in, but if you feel you have to/want to then choose low carb. You're probably already in ketosis now (or very close) so eating carbs now would undo all the hard work you've put in these past 4 days. Think of how you struggled with the cravings, not worth it (imo) :)

On a really positive note, your boyfriend sounds a treasure and I'm sure he knows undoubtedly how much you love him.

Happy Anniversary, I hope you have a fab time however you decide to celebrate :candledinner:
Day 6 almost complete. It's getting easier!

I now have no jeans that fit though. They're either too big or too small. My big ones were a bit generous when I got them, now it's ridiculous! Charity shop on Saturday I think.

Struggling a bit this evening. I'm on my own, bored and a bit lonely. Definite triggers. I've cleaned the bathroom, had a bubble bath, done some laundry and might just get an early night.

Can't wait to get to Tesco for some bars though. I'm getting impatient.
Day 8. I'm still hungry all the time! I'm dizzy and feel quite disorientated which is odd.

I also feel very emotional. That's probably because I would eat to stop feeling, in the absence of that anaesthetic I'm feeling the full brunt of any sadness I experience.

I'm scared about the length of the journey ahead of me, and how I'm going to prevent myself gaining again. I feel like giving up on myself, like I'm a failure for being this way and I don't deserve to be happy.

I want to eat both to stop me feeling this way, and also to punish me. I really used to use food as a solution to the bad things I felt. As a lot of that was because of my weight, I know that's stupid.

I just really feel very self loathing today. I hate so many things about myself. I hate the fact that even when I'm slimmer, I won't look much better. Some of the people look amazing after they've lost weight. I just look like an ugly girl as opposed to a fat ugly girl. It's really hard to stay motivated when I feel like this. I don't know what's stopping me bingeing right now, it's all I feel like doing.
Hey funnyfarm, hang in there hun. You r doing soo well and u knw the reason thats stopping u binge rt nw, tat bingeing is gonna make u feel worse. Sometimes we become so critical of ourselves, i have had periods in my life like that,but thinking back i knw what the root of it was and it was my weight,always my weight. You are moving in the right direction, you are doing what needs to be done. Just tell urself u r stronger than this and you doing for your good.

don't think too far ahead funnyfarm,take it one day ,even one hour at a time.when u get through a day, praise urself for doing well,for getting thru the day and one step closer to goal. Just like tat with each passing day,you will get closer and closer to goal. When you read the success stories,many will say they dint ever really believe tat tey wud get to goal,but they did it,they dint overthink of hw or when but tey made it. Funnyfarm from reading all the diaries,you kne Exante works,some weeks might be slow but hell ya it workss. you r doing this to stop feeling crapp abt urself,to stop using food as a crutch for ur feelings. You can write down everything ur feeling,see y u feel this and then explain to urself y u think/feel tat way,most of te time u come out feeeling better for it. I have read people get very emotional during vlcd,i guess partyly its because we r sooo used to using food as an anaesthetic and nw tat we dont have the option,all our feelings have to be faced and dealt with in other ways. Writing every single thing i am feeling really helps me,try it or you could talk to someone close, read something which takes ur mind away from this for while till u feel better abt facinng what u think works for you.

Really hun just hang in there, you will get through,we all do, just tell urself, You are worth this (sorry tat sounds cheesy but its true) you r doing it to never feel this way again, to feel fit,healthy, to not be wasting your time being upset about ur weight ever again, to stop ur weight being the reason for holding you back from doing thongs u want to,from living life to the fullest ( i feel like i talking to myself as well when i am writing this ) You. Gonna get thru this,even with all the up and downs,you r gonna make it, keep telling urself tat. Quote i love " do not expect this to be easy, you have to work for thebest things in life " the hard is what makes it all worth while, you know you earned it.
Sorry its such a long post, i hope this helps and is not preachy as most pf it rings very true for myself. Sorry if this is a bore
Hope u feel a lot better soon. Xxxxxx

P.S hun have u tried halfing the packs, for me it helped loadss doing that, helped me get thru the day. without being hungry.

p.p.s reading ur first post inspired me , read what u have written, might help u remember y ur doing this *hug*
Thank you so much, Naz! What you said really helped at a time when I needed it, very much appreciated.

Today has been a better day, and I stayed 100% through my wobble, so that's given me some strength.

I'm worried about my week 2 goal of getting into a routine.

Fingers crossed though!!
Hi FunnyFarm:D
I love your plans, and how you have broken them down.
I think when you do start your routine this week, it will make things easier.
You have said your self that the walking will help your motivation, and mood boost you. I think this is a fabulous plan. I must admit, when I exercise, it does my head more good than my body !!
So, you are one week down and have done great :D
Get plan what your are going to achieve in week four ;)
How are you today funnyfarm ? :)
Good thanks!

I worked overtime all weekend, so I'm tired and grumpy. Luckily I'm learning to cope with feeling tired and grumpy in ways that doesn't involve food.

I'm really going to focus on the positives. I've struggled a lot, but not given in.

I still feel daunted by how long I have to do this for. I'd had 25th August in my head as the date I'd reintroduce food, but starting to think a bit longer would make more difference.

I just know my body reacts badly when I'm near goal, but I also really want to reach it.

Maybe I should worry about that nearer the time.

Tomorrow marks day one of my new routine. For some reason I find it much easier to avoid doing something than I do actively doing something.

I need to make it through this week 100% sticking to my goal, or what hope do I have?

Its a good thing that you are aware of certain trigger points for yourself.
Knowledge is power eh ?

How much weight do you have to lose before you are at goal ?
I know I never got to goal last year, but I was still overjoyed, and still am fairly happy, even although I have put on a stone and a half since January, that I am way much less than when I started :)

You have already broken down your goals into smaller chunks, ie, what you want to achieve in week 1, week 2, week 3 ect....
Leave the end of August there for the moment, think about the end of July, and what you will have achieved already if you stick to your plan :)

I know what you mean about avoiding doing something rather than do it............
If this was an olympic sport, I would have a cabinet full of medals :eek:
Just keep plodding on, little by little and you will get there:) (I need to keep saying this to myself too ;)
And you know the walking will help get your head on board the weighloss wagon.
I'm back to the gym tomorrow, after a couple of weeks off, so I will be with you in spirit :D
Hmmm, not sure about goal. I don't know how much I weigh now! I think I want to lose 3 stone, I've decided to do shakes only for 12 weeks. I'm already a week and a half down. That will probably get me to near enough goal. Part of my ultimate goal is to have exercise as part of my routine, so that's going to be tough to do on the total solution.

My exercise goals were to establish routine on week one, and then get out of breath on week two. I've found that I've been getting out of breath though, even though the walks are far shorter than I'd normally take. Guess it's the lack of calories! With that said, I'm going to edit my goal to just to stick with it for 2 weeks. They say you have to do something for 4 weeks for it to become a habit. I'll see where I am in two weeks with regards to fitness, and if I'm able to do it as easily as I could before starting the diet, I'll consider starting the couch to 5k programme (probably doing one stage every 2 weeks though) but we'll see. There's a pathetic part of me that is worried about how stupid I'll look trying to run, so I'll probably put that part off until I'm a bit slimmer!

I've done a ticker for the 2 weeks of regular exercise. I want a ticker but don't want to have to weigh myself just yet! I might buy some scales when I get paid at the end of the month if I feel brave enough.

I've also been re thinking goals and rewards. I'll stick it on my signature and then add to it as I go along.
It's not letting me update my signature. I'm assuming it's because I'm under 50 posts, so I will get more chatty!

edit: Managed to get the ticker on, but it won't let me have any more than that. At least I'm gobby enough to rack up 50 posts quickly enough!
Hmmm, not sure about goal. I don't know how much I weigh now! I think I want to lose 3 stone, I've decided to do shakes only for 12 weeks. I'm already a week and a half down. That will probably get me to near enough goal. Part of my ultimate goal is to have exercise as part of my routine, so that's going to be tough to do on the total solution.

My exercise goals were to establish routine on week one, and then get out of breath on week two. I've found that I've been getting out of breath though, even though the walks are far shorter than I'd normally take. Guess it's the lack of calories! With that said, I'm going to edit my goal to just to stick with it for 2 weeks. They say you have to do something for 4 weeks for it to become a habit. I'll see where I am in two weeks with regards to fitness, and if I'm able to do it as easily as I could before starting the diet, I'll consider starting the couch to 5k programme (probably doing one stage every 2 weeks though) but we'll see. There's a pathetic part of me that is worried about how stupid I'll look trying to run, so I'll probably put that part off until I'm a bit slimmer!

I've done a ticker for the 2 weeks of regular exercise. I want a ticker but don't want to have to weigh myself just yet! I might buy some scales when I get paid at the end of the month if I feel brave enough.

I've also been re thinking goals and rewards. I'll stick it on my signature and then add to it as I go along.

I couldn't agree more about the exercise.
I did have it as part of my daily routine for a good long while there, and I will get back into it.
It has only not been part of my routine for about 3 weeks, so technically its not a bad habit formed yet, but merely a back burner good one, slowly being brought back forward ;)

I'm not a lover of running.
But it always makes me smile, when I think of a "Friends" episode ... when Phoebe runs like a 5 year old LINKY :D
I am sure you will have your own unique style that will suit you ;)