I think because I kept it off for 2 years without trying, I assumed I had cracked it.
I spent the last 6 months trying to dig myself out of a financial hole, and really piled weight on in that time. I think it was because I was working 60 + hours in a sedentary job, I was eating junk food both to give me the energy to stay awake and some pleasure. Once I'd started comfort eating again, I lost the plot.
I'd eaten pretty badly before, but in reasonable quantities. I'd order a takeaway a lot, but it would last 3 meals. I rarely ate crisps and chocolate, not because I was trying but because I didn't crave it. I'd eat them if they were there, but didn't go put of my way to. That turned into buying a can of Pringles and a big bar of chocolate, and eating it all in one sitting even though I felt sick.
Hopefully this is my reminder not to get complacent. Plus it's not as bad as I feared. I weighed myself another 5 times, each of those was 3lb less than the first. My boyfriend weighs half a stone more on those, so the first weigh in could be as much as 10lbs over.
Anyway, I can't change the past. I can either learn from it, or be doomed to repeat it. I'm going to choose to learn from it.
Weigh in day will probably be Monday for me, it's a good start to the week! I'll take my weight tomorrow morning as the start, and track my progress from there. Obviously I won't have big losses because it's actually week 3, but I never really had big first week losses anyway.
Goal for next week, keep up with the pre work walking, and go a little bit faster.