Hi Gabs
You'll always be up the day after a chowmein - so much water and salt in it ... but it'll only be that day, bet you were down the next day
You can still have Chinese ... just not the day before WI
Glad you're still here
Morning diva..
Glad the gain wasnt as bad as you first thought..skips from a multipack are 1½ points..
have a lovely day x
Hope today is treating you well gabs,your dance class thingy will be a right laugh i bet!
Only 13 points...you had better be adding some to that young lady!
You should save the chinese for treat after weigh in!
Ha ha listen to me bossing you around...just tell me to get lost!x
Erm where are you Little Miss Gabbs
Hope you arent thinking of disappearing again chuck?
Hurry up back xx