Gaga's Bulging Epic Battle......

Thanks Clair xx
Happy birthday :)

A day with the cats in the garden sounds lovely as the sun's out :D. Enjoy your meal tonight xx
Thanks ladies...sun is sure a shining and I'm out on my lovley new swing with 'love it' mag! Having a blast. Actually glad hubbie isn't here and just been awful and told the mother in law that I'm out so she doesn't pop round! Even cleared out my baggy clothes this morning....2 black bags full! Shocking. Definitely need to clothes shop real soon!
Happy birthday ladyg! :) maybe the meal will kick start a loss even? Have fun!
ladygaga said:
Thanks ladies...sun is sure a shining and I'm out on my lovley new swing with 'love it' mag! Having a blast. Actually glad hubbie isn't here and just been awful and told the mother in law that I'm out so she doesn't pop round! Even cleared out my baggy clothes this morning....2 black bags full! Shocking. Definitely need to clothes shop real soon!

Lmao good on you ;) enjoy your mother in law free day :)
Happy birthday hun. Sounds like you have a perfect day planned!! Have a lovely time tonight and well done on the weigh in, at least it wasnt a gain and like you said, you have lost lots over the last 2 weeks to compensate. Hopefully you will have another great loss next week if the meals give you a
I thinks there's all of about 1min left of you b-day so I'll hurry up and wish you a happy one!!
Hope you had a great night out and a good time tom with da girls.

Loads a luv and I'm sure you'll hav a smashin wi next week.

Loads a luv,
Hey hunny bit late but wanted to wish you a happy birthday, hope you had a good day :) xx

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Thanks for all the lovely birthday messages guys....I had such a lovely day. Spent the day chilling then in the evening off we went to the Harvester then had dinner out with the girls last night too

so now for the truth........

Food wise...on Mon night I had prawn cocktail to start- minus the sauce and bread and butter so just prawns and lettuce then for main had half a chicken with green slad with all fat removed from the chicken. Thought this was a good option and had loads of water too. Last night was a bit more tricky. Ordered chicken wings to start which they said was sauce on the side but when they came they had bbq sauce on them and on the side. I felt like crying!!! Didn;t know what to do! Tried picking of the sauce which didn't leave very much so I wiped away what I could with my knife and ate the rest. (don't even like BBq sauce very much either!!!!). Then for main had a steak and loads of salad with no dressing. Was aboslutely gorgeous and soooooo filling.

Now just really worried that I will have cused damage by the sauce on the wings! Anyone had this before and did it knock you out of ketosis? Have to say I still feel full today but don't feel hungry. Still had my 3 meal replacements on top of the food too. Now going to be 100% until the weekend when I have my folks coming down so will just cook fish and salad on Sat night to have.

I have to say it felt good being able to stick within the confines of what I was allowed to eat and not being tempted buy cake and other goodies. Pressure from hubbie and friends was immense to eat and felt I was going out for dinner more to suit their needs than my own. Tried sayong no but just didn't work. Just hope I haven't affected my losses, especially as my gingerbread man has been static this week- he needs to move next week or he may get stiff

Hope everyone is OK and apologies for the food talk!

Hiya LG and belated birthday wishes..

Well done for not giving in to other peoples concept of what you should be eating to enjoy yourself!!!

you made brill food choices and if ya not hungry then maybe the sauce wasnt a ketosis killer..Sounds like you only had a tiny amount..

Laughed about ya M I L avoidance..we have all done it at some point..well i know i have pmsl xxx

Good luck with ya next WI XXXXXX
Week 15 Day 4: So feeling a bit down with it all today........!

Made the mistake of getting on the scales this morning and still showing the same which has been for 11 days now. POAS and showed I was in ketosis for whatever good they do as know they are unreliable. I don't feel hungry and am drinking all my water and TFR's but seem to be a bit static at the mo! Really upset that my birthday food choices were wrong now and the scales are punishing me for it. My immediate reaction was to just have a binge and be done with it but know I'd just be even more gutted with myself if I did so am trying to keep ontrack. Got my parents coming down to visit this weekend and so again feel the need to eat with them when really I don't want to it but it just saves on arguments and pressure.

Sounds like down Gaga has returned....boooo! day off tomorrow so hopefully the mojo will return.

Hope everyone is doing ok xx

Guess I have to get my head around a STS or gain for next WI now. Really wish the poor little gingerbread man would hop along a bit further!
Week 15 Day 4: So feeling a bit down with it all today........!

Made the mistake of getting on the scales this morning and still showing the same which has been for 11 days now. POAS and showed I was in ketosis for whatever good they do as know they are unreliable. I don't feel hungry and am drinking all my water and TFR's but seem to be a bit static at the mo! Really upset that my birthday food choices were wrong now and the scales are punishing me for it. My immediate reaction was to just have a binge and be done with it but know I'd just be even more gutted with myself if I did so am trying to keep ontrack. Got my parents coming down to visit this weekend and so again feel the need to eat with them when really I don't want to it but it just saves on arguments and pressure.

Sounds like down Gaga has returned....boooo! day off tomorrow so hopefully the mojo will return.

Hope everyone is doing ok xx

Guess I have to get my head around a STS or gain for next WI now. Really wish the poor little gingerbread man would hop along a bit further!

Oh hun at least it is STS not a gain :( Maybe you are losing inches this week instead, have you measured? I find low weight loss weeks are usually higher inch loss x