Today was a bit strange ! Got no breakfast, no lunch and nothing to drink until about 4.15pm because it was so busy at work (I was about to have my breakfast before starting work when I got called by a colleague to go and help out so the day started with a bang !) so then I had a coffee and about 10 small biscuits (oops !) on the ward. But as that was my breakfast and lunch I wasn't too worried and have just ignored it

. Tonight I had my lunch for my tea plus HexB's and syns. I do feel pretty much in control so feeling good.
A post just to tell myself how far I've come on this journey.
1. I feel fantastic. I know I have a way to go and I find it very strange when people say 'you can't have much left to lose now'. I think I would like to lose at least another 2 stone but I don't really care how long it takes me now. 2 stone doesn't even feel too daunting even though it will take me months (unlike the first few).
2. I can't believe how much I have changed. I feel so much more confident and I feel calmer. I wasn't unhappy before, but I can admit now just how much my weight affected me. I thought about it when I walked into a room/meeting at work, when I saw my family, when I met new people etc etc. Not always consciously but subconsciously I wanted to hide in the background. Other people never knew that but I did. I don't feel like that any more. Actually that makes me quite sad to think back how much it did affect me.
3. I never ever want to go back there. Sometimes I feel a bit 'fed up' of SW and just want to be able to eat loads of biscuits or whatever else I want to have at the time or to be able to stop in at MacDonalds or whatever other junk food place I'm passing but more so, I never want to go back to that place. So I have accepted (at the moment !) that I'm in this for life unless I give up how I feel. So I'm making my choice.
4. I do worry that this is such a public journey. I can't deny what I've done because I think it's too obvious (and probably shouldn't anyway) but it worries me a bit that if I ever put weight on it's so obvious and I will go back to feeling even more ashamed than I was before I started. I know that's a bit stupid but there we go.
Anyway, that's probably enough for now otherwise I'll just get upset reading this !! I'm going to be very happy tomorrow (seeing Jules and Dawn) and will let you all know how it goes
Gail x