Gail's diary and thoughts on her SW journey

Hi Gail - hate it when you aren't here as it means you are working too hard!

Hope you are well though chica and surviving your tough week.
Hope you are ok Gail, we miss you. x :)

Awww thanks everyone. Sometimes I don't get here very often because I'm too busy. And sometimes I don't get here because I'm hiding.....................................and this week has been one of those so thanks for coming looking for me.

Work is actually ok but unfortunately SW isn't :(. I gained on Sunday (which was fine and expected - 2 lbs and mostly from Saturday) however due to the anticipation of 3 meals out this week and holiday from next week, I did the totally stupid thing of trying to drown myself in junk food to pretend that it's not happening. I feel completely stuffed and just disappointed in myself. I've been eating rubbish and lots of it for the last 3 days. And I have just pretended it's not happening until I've come back here - and now I feel really stupid. I obviously find the week before a holiday and the anticipation of what might happen quite difficult so I'm going to have to try harder next time. However before that I need to try and get control of what I'm doing. I haven't really been on SW for the past few weeks - partly because work has been so busy but partly because I haven't been making the effort, but overall I've been somewhere vaguely in control.

So now what to do ? I have 4 days left with 2 meals out in that time. I know that I'm going to have a big gain so I just feel like 'oh well, might as well make the most of that' and yet deep down, I know that's not the right thing. I'm not eating much fruit and veg and it feels like the beginning of a slippery slope. Why do I do this to myself at these times ? At least if I was like that at the end of a holiday, you can see light at the end of the tunnel. I can't really see when I'll be able to get out of this one ???

So, I only have one choice. Tomorrow is a new day. The next few weeks are going to be difficult for me. The inevitable large gain is going to be hard to stomach (particularly this weeks BEFORE I go away) but most of my clothes don't have much space for me to gain (because I lost so quickly, I didn't buy much in the 18's) which is probably a good thing.

I've also been thinking about targets again and I think I might scrap my target and just aim to maintain for a little while. I've not really been going anywhere for a while so maybe it's time to take the 'heat' off for a bit. The maintaining will only be doing the same thing anyway so there probably isn't much difference and I think I've been in maintenance mode for a while anyway. However I want to maintain at the bottom of the 12's which is where I've been for a while, not the top of the 12's which I'll be when I get back. Exercise will help as well I think so I'll have to try to set myself some goals when I get back.

However to finish this on a plus note, I am going to book my holiday for next year this weekend and it's going to be good I think. Planning on going diving again (so will need to keep my weight off for fitness purposes as well as fitting into gear which I think will be a big incentive) and I'm really really looking forward to it (although with a bit of anxiety as well).

Thanks for being there for me. I'm sure I'll be fine so please don't lose any sleep over me (!), it just sometimes helps to get it off your chest.

Gail x
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Hi Gail,

Aww sis, I'm sorry you've had a tough couple of weeks :(

I think you should do whatever makes you feel most comfortable, and most importantly whatever you think you can cope with.

I think if I were you, I would probably go and enjoy the holiday and hope to come back refreshed and raring to get back into it again. See what the damage is, and then maybe set an achievable goal somewhere in the region of 12st. You do seem quite settled around that weight, and you're fairly comfortable with it, so perhaps it is time to have a little break from trying to lose and just maintain for a while? If your head isn't totally in to it, it's just not going to work. And it's obvious you're in a really busy period of your life atm :( But you never may come back from your hols in a completely different frame of mind and ready for another push ;)

Whatever you decide Gail, we'll try to support you in whatever way we can x

Lots of love as always xxx
Hi Gail, sorry to hear you are having a tough time of it, but, as you would say to me if the boot were on the other foot - don't beat yourself up about it!

You know what you are capable of when your head is in the game, so get through the next few weeks, enjoy your holiday and then start again when you get back. Whether that's losing again, or whether it's losing a bit and maintaining for a while, it really doesn't matter... just look at what you've achieved, remember how good it feels to be where you are now, as opposed to where you were and you will find your head magically puts itself back in the right place!

I am on my hols next week too, SW twin!

Have a great time and take some time out for yourself xxx
No words of comfort or wisdom here Gail, however.........I advise you to just say "sod it!!"

I had the 3 weeks before Florida in what I call holiday mode, and then 2 more in full-on-Florida mode. You may recall I gained 5lb in 5 weeks.

Under the circumstances, that was a bit of a result. Getting back on schedule on your return is the trick, so perhaps that''s another option open to you?

Little point beating yourself up about it - especially so close to take off. Start pre-planning and think of your recovery action.

I'm sure Dawn will help keep you right.


If you want GOOD advice, I''m always here to help;):8855:

hi gail it's good to see you on here x i think most of us know exactly how u feel as you know i have been there several times myself and it's hard to get back on track but with the help of members like you i managed to do it and i know you will do the same, i think ur being sensible about ur target for now, i would have liked to have lost another 10lbs myself but know i would struggle keeping my weight there so have opted for 12st 4lb if i happen to lose anymore it will be a bonus but not going to beat myself up about it, i feel so much better and can fit into 12/14 now.
look at what u have already achieved you have been an inspiration to everyone, good luck gail :bighug:enjoy ur holiday
love val xx
Oh Gail, I understand just how you feel and am so sorry that you do.
As you know, I have struggled and struggled (and still am) but I am finding the NoS diet helpful and simple, you could try it after your holidays, it doesn't mean abandoning SW either. I just had to find something that made me feel I wasn't banging my head on the same bit of wall over and over again but not jump from plan to plan and by doing this not concentrate on getting on with it.

The diet is simple, eat 3 meals a day, no snacks and no seconds except (if wanted) on days which begin with S. So that's Saturdays, Sundays and special days, like birthdays and Christmas.

It's 'moderation in all things' really, the old adage, but if followed, it will of course work. There's a website which you can Google and a book which I can send you if you'd like it.

Hi Gail,

Well done for coming on here and being very honest. I can totally sympathise with you because I've been struggling to get back on plan for a while now.

You are a very intelligent lady and you know when and where your weaknesses are. Perhaps aiming to maintain for a while is the best option. Perhaps in this time you can plan and try out some new food items that may fit in your busy schedule. Could you perhaps take chopped up fruit and veg, like apples, grapes, carrots, celery to work? That way you can quickly grab one or two sticks and chomp on those going from one place to another.

I hope you have a lovely holiday and enjoy yourself. Like others have said you may come back and be ready for a new challenge but you've come so far already, so you should be very proud of your achievements.

Whatever your decision, we're all here for you.

Take care,
Penny x
Hi Gail

Sorry you are struggling a bit at the mo, I definitely think Holiday mode sets in before you are anywhere near it but that's not a bad thing. You have done so well and come so far, you need to allow yourself to relax sometimes. Like the others have said, maybe you need to relax until after your holiday and then you can think about it again and re-focus. it's not a big deal to go off track for a little while :) xxx
Thank you so much for your lovely comments Dawn, Steve, Spanx, Val, Bess, Penny and Laura. They really are much appreciated and have helped a lot.

I had a very large gain yesterday as expected and have been feeling pretty bad. However I have decided as you suggested to put SW to one side for the holidays (I think the only thing I am going to try to do is to not behave like a pig/fat person and to just have a bit of what I want but not be gluttonous/greedy/eat excessive quantities). When I get back, I will weigh on Monday (fortnight) and draw a line. I would like to get back to 5 stone total loss (assuming a big gain after the hols to add to this weeks gain) by the end of 2011. it feels a bit daunting adding to my already large gain and then what I will have to lose then but I have to get back on it - I can't stop now.

Then I will get back to my 5.5 stone loss or around 12 stone and then decide if I'll take a break or not. The break would not mean coming off SW, it will simply mean not having to lose for a while. I will still follow the plan and am going to write EVERYTHING down at least for the first couple of weeks.

So, I have a plan. I don't want to wish my holiday away but this is so important to me that it feels a bit like that.

I'll be away for a fortnight. I won't be able to catch up on all your diaries when I get back (sorry) so I will just try to rejoin your threads when I can.

Thanks again. I really have appreciated your kind words.

Gail xxxxx

Sent from my iPhone
I had a very large gain yesterday as expected and have been feeling pretty bad. However I have decided as you suggested to put SW to one side for the holidays (I think the only thing I am going to try to do is to not behave like a pig/fat person and to just have a bit of what I want but not be gluttonous/greedy/eat excessive quantities).

Remember to enjoy yourself though, don't second guess everything. A holiday is for enjoyment and do that. You BLOODY deserve it.

When I get back, I will weigh on Monday (fortnight) and draw a line. I would like to get back to 5 stone total loss (assuming a big gain after the hols to add to this weeks gain) by the end of 2011. it feels a bit daunting adding to my already large gain and then what I will have to lose then but I have to get back on it - I can't stop now.

And you will, you are one determined lady and you will sort this out. Remember baby steps, Gail, meal by meal, day by day, lb by lb.

Then I will get back to my 5.5 stone loss or around 12 stone and then decide if I'll take a break or not. The break would not mean coming off SW, it will simply mean not having to lose for a while. I will still follow the plan and am going to write EVERYTHING down at least for the first couple of weeks.

That sounds like a sensible plan that is utterly acheiveable. If you decide on a break, make sure you don't beat yourself up about it. k?

So, I have a plan. I don't want to wish my holiday away but this is so important to me that it feels a bit like that.

You've made the plan, so now you can put it out of your mind and get on with the serious job of enjoying your holibobs!
Just have a good break Gail. Life's too short for worrying about anything else. xxx
Hi Gail, sorry I haven't been here for a few days and I'm sorry to hear you're struggling. I just want to echo the others in saying you are absolutely not alone in this, we have all had times like this and I know it's rubbish but you will get through it.

I think your plan for your holiday is great, just have a little of what you fancy and be mindful but don't restrict yourself in a way that will stop your from enjoying it.

I know I don't practice what I preach but please remember where you started and imagine you we're going on holiday at that weight and how much different you would have felt then. You probably will have a gain after your holiday (don't we all!) but you're not going to gain back the 5stone that you have lost.

Most importantly, have a wonderful time! You work so hard and really do deserve the break. We'll all still be here with open arms and plenty of support waiting when you get back.

See you in 2 weeks!

Hi sis,

I hope you don't pick this up until you're back home again! Hopefully you're far too busy having a great time!
Just have some fun Gail...spend time being Gail and doing things that Gail likes to do!

Miss u already sis! xx
Just to echo the others really. Remember, if you want to really let go, 9.5lb in two weeks of Florida Feasting is the target to beat.

Not sure if you have t'interweb access/wifi but I'm sure if you're anything like me, sooner or later you will have to log on somewhere out of sheer desperation!!

Bring some of that humidity home with you please!
Hiya Chica - just catching up after being awol with visitors.

So sorry to hear you've been struggling BUT you have a plan for when you get back. And your plans usually work, don't they?

So enjoy your holiday and post on here as and when you can to let us know how you are.
Hope that you have a lovely holiday Gail - you deserve it. So many of us can sympathise with the way you have been feeling and the resulting temporary jump of the wagon. We all need to do that sometimes and I have no doubt that when you get back from your holiday that you will get back to your normal focused and inspirational self x