Gail's diary and thoughts on her SW journey

Hi Gail,

Two good days, so well done for that. Bess has been writing down her food, whether its good or bad and I vowed to do the same, to make me accountable and so far it has made me think. Hopefully it will gradually dawn on me......... :wave_cry:

As for the hot water thingy, I can only drink it hot. I feel like I am going to drown if its cold, must be from a previous life......ducking stool and all that :D

Have a fab Monday xx
3rd good day today in a row (so far !). Definitely still needing 'note to self' though


Breakfast - none
Lunch (5.30pm :eek:) - baked bean lasagne (HexA 1), salad
Snack - 2 clementines, 2 small M&S Belgian biscuits (est 6 syns because they were small)
Tea (10.30pm) - 3oz Thai fragrant rice (didn't need that much), 2 eggs, peas, lettuce
Snack - 2 clementines, will try to use HexBs and maybe some chocolate for 4-6 syns

Have drunk loads today too. Fingers crossed for a good WI on Sunday (although I know it's only Monday)..........

Gail x

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Good job Missus. We're rooting for you! x
Thanks Shrimpy,

Finish for today is 2x Choc caramel HiFi's (HexB1), 1 fibre plus (HexB2), 2 dairylea triangle things (HexA2), 1 M&S florentine (5.5 syns), 1 velvet crunch (4 syns) so total 15.5 syns. Pleased with that. Feel a bit of a pig for eating all that AFTER a meal however it is on plan so I'm ok about it. Still doesn't feel right though (and I feel like I could keep going too but I'm not going to). Might be time for teeth and bed I think !

Gail x

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Well done Gail xxx

Don't feel know you can spend your syns on whatever you want, whenever you enjoy them sis xxx

Three good days...

Here's to day four xxx
Looks like you are on a roll Gail! Brilliant! xxx
Thank you :)

Still on a roll :-D.

Today (green)

Breakfast: muller light cheesecake (1syn), passion fruit, pear, 3 clementines

Lunch: quorn and vegetable stroganoff with v low fat fromage frais, 2 oz Thai fragrant rice, lettuce, tomato. 2 clementines

Tea: baked bean lasagne (1 HexA), lettuce, tomato, beetroot

Edit: finished with: 1 Fibre plus bar (HexB1), 2 x mini HiFi's (HexB2), 2 x dairylea triangle things (HexA2), 1 mini bag party rings (6 syns), 1 ripple bar (8 syns) so total 15 syns for the day. Could happily keep going but I have to be finished for the day because I am sticking to plan :)

Feeling good and pleased with myself but finding things quite challenging. Definitely wanting to go snacking on biscuits and chocolate (in addition to above) but I'm aware that I really want to get this weight off and that will only happen with a consistent and continued effort which I'm doing :)

Scales not moving really yet but that's ok. If I continue like this, I know it will.

Yay. 4 100% days in a row.

Gail x

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Well done Gail - great to see you sticking to your guns in the face of temptation. Think there must be something in the air this week - I have been craving chocolate and sweet things too!

Hope the scales reward you on Sunday! x
Gail this is brilliant!!!

Well done!

It's so lovely to see how well youre doing, and that you're so in control xxx :happy096:

Those pesky scales won't know whats hit them lol!
Well done on being controlled Gail - I am struggling similarly at the moment - holiday mode hasn't yet left, and Xmas mode is kicking in...

You seem very organised, which I think is key - I am not organised whatsoever, but may finally give in and do a food shop tonight to get me back on track. Payday today so no real excuse!!

Keep up the good work xxx
Hi Gail, good job on the last few days - I'm wondering how the dress is going? I'm also trying to fit into one for my 30th which is coming up at the end of this month - but I'm trying not to try it on 4 times a day which is

a) stupid
b)a waste of time
c) demoralising
d) making the dress crumpled and
e) endangering the zip.

looking forward to it fitting (despite it actually being my current size, but it's from Coast and I tell myself their sizes are smaller ;) ) but only worry is I think I'll have to lose a bit off the bust. Who wants that?!?! Hope yours is going well


Hatti x
Thanks Hattie. I agree that Coast sizes are small. Dress is a 16 so v good for me. I'm mostly a 16 but 14 in some clothes.

Thanks Laura, sorry I haven't got back on your diary yet but I haven't forgotten and will get there soon, I promise !

This week still going pretty well but not quite 100% now.

Yesterday (green):

Breakfast: Mullerlight cheesecake yoghurt (1 syn), pear, passionfruit
Lunch: none :(
Snack: 2 x foxs biscuits (5 syns each), 2 x marks and spencer curl biscuits (? 3 syns each ?)
Tea: Baked bean lasagne (HexA1), lettuce, tomato, beetroot
Evening: chocolate digestive (4 syns I think)
2 x HexB cereal bars

So approx 21 syns in total but no lunch so ok I think. Wanted lots more biscuits but managed to control myself :) which was a good achievement

Today (EE):

Breakfast: mullerlight cheesecake (1 syn), pear, passion fruit
Lunch: Baked bean lasagne (HexA), lettuce, tomato, cucumber
No biscuits (a big effort from me !!!)
Tea: (my sisters 40th birthday), homemade lamb tagine (absolutely amazing) - probably about 4-5 syns (has 2 tablespoons of honey and a few dried apricots between 8 portions) with rice and veg. Then 2 slices of birthday cake (yum yum - so worth it !!!).

So syns, probably about 25-30 (the cake was just cake with no icing etc and pieces not big so maybe a bit less than that ??) which is ok because I did my best (and it was a flex isynned day). I have forfeited my HexB as well (which isn't completely the SW way but I think will be fine !).

Scales had started to move this morning which is good so fingers crossed for Sunday. Still feeling focused although keeping off the biscuits today was pretty difficult. It continues to be a challenging week for me but I'm pretty proud of how I'm getting on.

See you tomorrow (or Sunday !)

Gail x
P.S. Bought a coat today. My first for years and years. I am soooooo excited !!!!! :D
Ooh, what kind of coat?? I love coat shopping!!! xx
VERY nice!!!
Hi sis xx

I love your new coat, really smart and stylish...just like you!

You've done so well to stay so in control during some difficult days x

We're having a lovely weekend here, sarah, steve and me! We had a good walk earlier and now we're having a rest, watching saints on tv, before the curry tonight. Totally off plan of course!


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Well I had a great week apart from a partly bad Friday and a very bad Saturday. So bad in fact that I can't even write down everything that I ate because I can't remember :(. So must read 'note to self' again today because I totally forgot about it yesterday.

So, result today is a loss of 1.5 lbs which is probably a fair reflection of this week. So, back on plan again today. Has been ok day.

So hoping for another loss next week. Still have 5.5 lbs of pre holiday/holiday gain to get off but it's coming off slowly but surely (4 lbs so far).

Gail x

P.S. am reading the Beck diet book now so will let you know how I get on..........

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Sorry Penny, forgot to answer your question. 6.5 x HexA total - Serves 8. I think I got this from Shrimpy

Mushrooms (200-400g)
3 onions
2-3 peppers
2 tins baked beans
1 tin tinned tomatoes
8 laughing cow triangles
200g reduced fat cheddar
Lasagne sheets
Chilli powder or tabasco to taste
Green herbs

Fry vegetables together (onions first) in frylight. Then add beans and tomatoes, herbs, chilli and laughing cow. Then layer in lasagne dish (i do 3 layers but you can choose) and cook on high for 40-50 mins. Grill cheese if nec at the end. Yum. Serves 8. freezes well but is worth thinking about adding a little extra liquid if you're planning to freeze it.

The coat was a bargain because there was 25% off this week at M&S :D

Gail x

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