Hey there!!
Just wanted to add that I also feel so sorry for anyone with any pain caused by gall stones.
3 years ago I began to have a stabbing pain in my back, which almost felt like a trapped nerve. After numerous visits to my GP is kept being turned away with the same diagnosis "you have pulled a muscle in your back and it will take time to heal". None of my doctors would listen to me when I said that I know what a pulled muscle is and it's far worse.....
3 visits later and in more agony than before, I had done some research on the net and asked the doctor if there could be a chance I have gallstones. His response to me was "Hayley, your 22, your too young to have gallstones." So I was sent on my way for an xray to check if I had broken any ribs......
Still in pain I went on holiday with my boyfriend to Cuba, and went snorkelling one day. After an hour viewing the reef we had to swim back to the boat which was a fair distance away. The next thing I remember was losing all feeling in my body from my neck down - I was numb. My boyfriend held onto me holding my head above the water whilst the crew frantically brought a motor boat to me. My body had completely shut down from the pain I was in (I wouldn't wish the pain on anyone)
I was rushed to hospital (it was awful) - the doctor took a 2 minute look at me and a abdominal examination and diagnosed me immediately with his broken english. He said I was very unwell, gall bladder desease and a blockage causing Jaundice. I was so angry that I had to go all the way to bloody Cuba to be diagnosed!!!!!
(I am getting to my point now and answering your question.....)
So up until I had my surgery on the NHS 8 weeks later, I lived off fruit, vegetables with potatoes every now and again, and some gravy on my veg just to make it more tasty

and water (advised by my cuban doctor). This was mainly because ANYTHING I ate gave me the pain attacks so I had to avoid any food with fat in. I lost 29 pounds in the process before my op and I can honestly say I had never felt so fit and healthy as I did just before the surgery.
Are you going to be having surgery scojos?