Thank you all. My attacks don't seem to have a particular trigger which is annoying. I've had one after a really low fat meal and I've eaten high fat meals with no problems, totally strange. Pesky gallbladders!!
I've noticed this all the time now, too. The problem with dieting whilst having gallstones is that the bile flushes out at some point, no matter what you eat, you may find that it triggers after a low-fat meal when the low-fat meal was never a problem... it's just simply your body doing what it's supposed to do.
My doctor prescribed me NSAID medication in the form of 400mg ibuprofen (to take 3 times a day, after every meal) and I find this and my diet is sufficient [thus far] for keeping any potential pain at bay.
However I would advise some form of strong painkiller (such as Co-codamol) for when the bile inevitably escapes the gallbladder.
Taken as soon as you feel the familiar "gripping" building to that dull ache, I find it helps to stave off any pain completely... otherwise it takes far too long to kick in, and you're left in agony anyway.
I've had my scan and the ultrasound tech told me it was hard to see what was going on because there were so many stones in there (not really what you want to hear, but I appreciated the honesty at least). I've yet to speak to a doctor about getting a surgical consultation, but in a way - after the confirmation I have gallstones - it's quite a relief to be able to finally do some proper research into the procedure.
I've read from a few sources that anywhere ranging from 5% to 40% of gallbladder removal patients develop a condition called postcholecystectomy syndrome... which doesn't sound very pleasant - almost worse than the infrequent pain of a gallstone attack... or I've read all these horror stories about drainage bags and any type of fats "running right through" the patient once the gallbladder has been removed.
Perhaps I'm just psyching myself out, though. I've never had any type of surgery before, so I'm a little nervous... and I haven't even spoken to a surgeon about my options yet!
As for diet, I've found that spicy foods don't irritate me one bit, provided they're not fatty spiced foods. I made a lovely Peri-Peri spiced chicken breast with some steamed asparagus and wild rice and although it was spicy, since I didn't use any oil (and removed all fat from the chicken) it didn't create any issues.
I think, given the waiting times for a cholecystectomy, by the time it comes to the actual op... I'll have a pain-free low-fat menu down pat, busting the gallstones diet myths!