Oooh, all that you're all saying is exactly the same as me!!
Only family and my b/f know I'm dieting, and of course, they say "wwwowowowowow" every time I see them!! Lol... Coz they're fab like that!... But no-one else has noticed! I'm 2 and 1/2 stone lighter for gorrrds sake! Oh, no, I did get a comment from one guy, but it was very early morning and I was wearing my heavy coat! I was pretty impressed actually!
In the past on previous diets I've often got the "Oh, yeah, you can see it in your face" line!... And I just think "what?! I've lost 3 stone from my face?! Jeeze, my weight must have just been hanging off my face!!"... But I don't say that, I just say "yeah? cool!"... LOL...
I don't care really... It's no-one's business that I'm on LL... when the time comes, and people DO actually notice, I'll say as others have done above, just that I've cut out a few things etc... works for me!