I waved DQ!
Hi ya violet, doing really well, day 4 and so far so good. I'm in the zone! Not taking xenical, but see going to see GP to still get it for refeed
still really enjoying the packs and although Ive had a few moments of feeling sorry for myself, I've soon got over them and reminded myself why I am doing while chugging so e water! No serious side effects, not even had to take paracetamol, so it's all good.
Just returned from the in laws, and they were really supportive and said they thought I was amazing for doing this. Tried to explain somewhat to mother-in-law about food addition and I think she was interested and seemed to take it on board what I was saying. My 2 boys were as good as gold and got to meet our first nephew who is 2 weeks old and gorgeous, made my 12 week old look so big!
Last week of nursery for my 3 year old, then 6 weeks holiday which are going to be hard, as when they are over I go back to work not looking forward to that!
Going to try to go to the gym, swimming, a few times this week to get it back into my routine.
Hope you are all well xx