I didn't plan on coming Anja, can't remember putting my name down, but I must have if it's there.
As it turns out, I WILL be in London on Saturday - I'm taking Kristen to see "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" so might manage to pop in. I'll see.
Nope haven't seen her...I didn't know you could delete posts!?
Barb...thanks for your wishes. I'm not 100% at the moment. headache since my operation. Sophie isn't well come down with a cold so she's been on my lap most of the day...Mummy's girl!
Debbie...thanks for the number in my book.
Off to bed now as I can feel my painkillers taking effect....yay SLEEP!
Night all my lovely Wemitt mates and thanks for being you!
Just me being a big kid with my brand spanking new dell puter, I have a free trial with AOL for a month and then I am hoping Sky will have got their act together with their broadband but BarbaraJ is officially in the 21st century with a puter in her spare room!! I am chuffed to bits with it and it looks rather posh in my shabby spare room – will have to decorate it now.
I ate last night it was special occasion and one that was intentional. But I was with my Mum today and I well and truly blipped, we have had a few family issues come up and so when I left the house this morning in a rush I left all my packs at home so by tonight I was starving and no hope of getting home (couldn't even make my weigh in )so I had a curry and a bit cake with raspberries and two whole tomatoes earlier in the day. I feel incredibly stuffed and now feel incredibly guilty but its to late… NOTE TO SELF – be more organised
Debbie, its difficult when we have bad weeks ain’t it but you know deep inside that it will come good in the end we just need to dig a bit deeper in our resolve to get to goal. Keep your head up and stay as strong and focused as you can. You have done amazingly well so far I can’t remember all the achievements and goals that you posted on here but I know there are loads – so go back read some of your own posts to give you a kick up the backside when you feel weak. LMOL at the school uniform and your daughter, have you stopped blushing yet?
Anja, I bet the pound is off the next time you get weighed and at the end of the day the tape measure is more important than the scales, particularly when you are so close to your goal weight anyway. So focus on the inch loss and forget the scales this week. (Debbie have you measured yourself as this might give you a boost?)
Kam, miserable cow is not something that springs to mind when I have read your posts, you have always come across as being positive and determined. Unfortunately we are all probably guilty of being a little insensitive for one reason or another at some point during friendships, usually unintentional from being to busy or dealing with own issues etc. Your friends may simply not realise how low you are feeling.