Hi Barb
My dad isn't very well at all I'm afraid. He's had prostate cancer for several years: it was quite advanced when it was diagnosed - he must have had the symptoms for ages but you know what men are like when it comes to seeing a doc about 'embarrassing' things. Now I'm afraid he's paying the price.
By the time it was diagnosed, it had already moved into his bones as a secondary. They've held it in check with hormone implants for 4 years which is great but recently he's been deteriorating as the cancer has moved into his pelvis and spine.
He can't walk very well now and it's painful for him to sit, stand or lie down. The strong painkillers he's taking aren't touching it so the doctor is visiting him today to talk about morphine and radiotherapy. My dad has also applied for a disabled sticker for his car and the doctor has used a 'special circumstances' form: these are commonly used in cases where life expectancy is 6 months or less so the person can 'queue jump' get some use out of the sticker. This is what I found out yesterday.
My mum is in total denial. I mean, she knows he's ill but she acts as if he'll be around forever. They got married after knowing each other for only nine days and have been together for almost 46 years - they are true 'soul mates'. At only 66 years old, my dad isn't exactly geriatric and only retired a year ago: I'm gutted that his reirement hasn't turned out to be the carefree time it should be.
So now I feel like I'm just 'holding my breath', waiting to see how things develop. But watching my dad, who only a couple of years ago was leaping into his swimming pool shouting 'Banzai!!' and racing around the garden on a kids bike to the delight of his grandchildren, becoming a frail old man in constant pain is very hard to take.
Sorry to have rambled on: it's been nice to get this off my chest.