Day 1 - SS'ing!!
Well guys here I am restarting my diary... feel like i'm tempting faith by typing that i'm starting SS again but i am and am half way through day 1 and my head is in the best place for it that it has been in a while!! had planned on starting yesterday and had my breakfast shake and then just folded with the intention of starting today and here i am yay me!!!
I had joined WW last week and was happy plodding along but really wanted faster weight loss. loved all the food i could have but still knew it wasn't fast enough!!
Reasons for re-starting:
- saw myself in a full length mirror on Friday night and really didn't like what i saw
- all my lovely clothes i had been wearing since losing the weight are now too tight on me... even tho i'm still wearing them cos i'm never going up a size!!! they are all between a 14 and 16 so not too bad but another couple of weeks of eating like a mad thing i would have been back in 18's and no way am i going back there.
- i have a friends 30th birthday in 2 weeks and we are going away to letterkenny for the weekend and i soooo want to feel comfy in my clothes for that.
so what i'm gonna do now is, i'm gonna map out my weeks up till xmas and stick to ss'ing 90% of the time... on nights out, proper ones, not just made up ones so i can drink ha ha i'm gonna drink but not gonna go overboard... thats the plan anyway!!
Week 1 - 13th-19th November - nothing happening so should SS 100%
Week 2 - 20th- 26th November - Going away on Friday 24th - will ss 100% until the friday night. the girls want me to take the friday off and head down on thursday night but i've made my excuses and said no can't go till friday so i can ss as long as possible. i will eat and drink with some cd products as well for the weekend.
Week 3 - 27th-3rd December - Should be ss'ing 100%
Week 4 - 4th-10th December - Should be ss'ing 100%
Week 5 - 11th-17th December - Should be ss'ing 100% (but i reckon there will be a night out of some description

Week 6 - 18th-24th December - Will SS for the first couple of days and then will work my way up through the cd steps for xmas day!!
ok so thats the plan................ am i being realistic??? i'm hoping i am.... there might be another night out involved there but i'll cross that bridge when i come to it!!
last time i did cd.. first four days i lost 9lb, second week i lost 5lb and the 3rd week i lost 4.5lb!!!!!!!! just imagine if this happened this time!!!!!
so thats where i am at the moment, wish me luck guys!!!
Gen xx