Anyone having a curry and wine is plain taking the p*** if they think they're doing TS.
There are a lot of people doing it 100% but if you're doing it properly there's less to comment on. You don't need advice on points syns etc. It's straight forward 3 packs and that's it.
It tends to be people struggling who post more 'help' threads others just get their head down and get on
There's a 'honk' thread for all the 100% people
Starlight, I think that what you have written is rather judgemental. It's just not very nice, to be frank.
And many others, having read this thread all the way through, knew exactly what I meant and agreed with me.
I did not wish to single anyone out but you are obviously seeking to challenge what I wrote.
I have long experience of several VLCDs. Mostly Cambridge. I first tried it in the early 1980s. Lost half my body weight - later regained it all plus more, as so many do to this very day. I did this several times over the years. So did many of my friends. We really did try hard to maintain afterwards. We all failed, alas.
I used CD to lose three of ten lost stones only a few years ago, before choosing vegetarian Atkins for maintenance. In fact I even used CD for a while last year, to see if I could combine packs and Atkins meals. I found this less effective than I'd hoped it would be, so I abandoned the attempt. But I certainly don't rule it out at some future point, as a maintenance tool.
I would guess that a vast number of people on this site are currently using, or have in the recent and distant past used, VLCDs. We know what we are talking about because we speak of our own personal experiences. One does not have to be on a VLCD at this exact minute to have an informed opinion - bearing in mind that opinion is subjective and we can only ever speak for ourselves.
As I said the most fervent TS or SS-er is only a tiny slip - a heartbeat - away from not doing it 'properly'. So long as the dieter is still losing and is happy with their progress, why on earth would anyone else, also heavily overweight and desperate to lose the surplus, even think to comment on that dieter? Criticising others for not doing it the way they 'should' is negative and does not help anyone. It is just not supportive, whatever else it may be.