there have been moments where i have just wanted to throw in the towel, give up and say sod it. i want that chocolate, curry and nachos!!
but ive had a super goal to work towards (my dress)
maybe you need to get something to work towards... is there anything happening (wedding your going to, party... birthday..) that you could say right. i need to get to such and such for then... find an out fit.. and really push yourself to do it...
if you are struggling, go see your dr... see what they say... if you dont think that will help. maybe have 1 planned day off, where you can enjoy something either it be a meal out, or a takeaway.. at the end of the day, this is a learning experience on how to change our lives for the better... we are going to be faced with times when we are going to eat out, in but it be fattening.... we just need to learn how to get our bodies to go ok... i am going to be eating that.. but im not going to be keeping it...
do it 1 time a month... or 1 time every couple of weeks... see how you go...
go look at my recipie page and have a look at some of the recipies that are on there... if its a takawy you fancy, i can garentee i can make it nicer and find a better recipie for you... just ask away...
have you thought of joining something like weight watchers/slimming world... i have found this has been fab!!! its really motivated me to push myself that little bit further because i didnt want to embarres myself!!
Good luck and if there is anything i can do to help please ask