Getting back on track!


Full Member
Hello Everyone!! I am a self confessed food lover/addict/comfort eater! Can't watch the xfactor without wanting to munch something yummy!! Ggggrrrrr!!!

I started today, so will weigh in on Sundays hoping this will stop the "it's the weekend have a treat" thoughts and keep me focused!! I currently weigh in at 11st 13lbs.

I'll be calorie counting and exercising.

Todays menu-
2 slices of hovis wheat germ and a tiny bit of flora light

Weight watchers chilli ready meal with salad

3 small chicken wings and salad

Small pack of wotsits
Small kinder bar

Really really want to stay on track, we are off to centre parks in 6 weeks so hoping to lose 1 stone before then so I don't feel so beastly in the pool!!
I am quite pleased how easy I'm finding it station on track at the moment :) brought some caramel snack a jacks today, forgot how yummy they are NOM NOM
Sorry if some of my posts make NO SENSE lol! The joys of having an iphone and chasing a toddler around, I don't notice when my iphone auto corrects or changes words lol!! Oops!!

My little boy is tucked up in bed, so feet up on the sofa with a caramel snack a jack and a muller light white chocolate dessert!!

Today I had -
Warburtons thin
1 warm sliced hard boiled egg
A tiny squeeze of tomato ketchup
- this was lovely, filling and felt like a treat

Co op bacon and chicken layered salad with 2 jumbo snack a jacks

Not the best choice in dinner but I was in a rush
Tesco light mash
Small tin of green giant sweetcorn
Drizzle of gravy

Muller light white chocolate dessert 99cal
2 jumbo caramel snack a jacks 102cal
Small banana 72cal

1205 cals!
Oh snack a jacks! I haven't had those in ages and they're so yummy. I'll have to add them to my shopping list.

The caramel ones are soooo good!! They are like toffee popcorn, well that's what they remind me off NOM NOM!!
I seen the words caramel snack-a-jacks and my stomach instantly growled lol they are lush! Good luck with the weight loss and I wouldn't worry to much about iPhone auto corrects :) x
I seen the words caramel snack-a-jacks and my stomach instantly growled lol they are lush! Good luck with the weight loss and I wouldn't worry to much about iPhone auto corrects :) x

Thanks danniellea! I'm at the point today I need someone to come round and hide my scales lol might get my boyfriend to hide them every week lol!
They are so yummy and feel like a treat :) x
Do it hide them I'm getting to a point I want to get weighed everyday it's not healthy! (I usually do) the thing I'm craving the most is Greek yoghurt but as I'm dong cambridge it will go unsatisfied lol :) have a productive low cal day, it's my daughters birthday today have to be strong and not eat cake lol x
When my boyfriend gets home I'll get him to hide them for me :)

aww how is your diet going? Do you have a diary? Good luck resist the cake, it's not worth it :)

I took my little boy to a baby class we go to today and it was the teachers birthday today also and I turned down a big fat hunk of chocolate cake! Stay strong and good luck xxx
Hehe :) my diet is going well for the most part I'm just struggling at the weekends getting my social life back is bad for the waste line. I'm going to really try to resist it as I do have a cocktail night on Saturday and I know I won't be saying no to a few of those! Xx
Having a rubbish afternoon! I have an old skiing knee injury and it's bloody killing me today :( iv only eaten 600cal today so thinking of having a big 600cal but feeling sorry for myself

Having a rubbish afternoon! I have an old skiing knee injury and it's bloody killing me today :( iv only eaten 600cal today so thinking of having a big 600cal but feeling sorry for myself Note to self - DO NOT RING THE CHINESE

Arw bless ya! Hope your knee feels better soon xx

Currently 16st 9.2lbs
Awh hope you are okay! No you won't ring the Chinese think of all the oil and fat slipping down you're throat eww x

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Lol omg I think that's put me off Chinese for life!

Thank ya! Having a bit of a crap week as my boyfriend has been working really really long hours so it's just been me and my little man and we miss daddy! X
That was the idea :p lol awh it's hard work when it's just the two of you isn't it!! But he won't be working forever :) how's today worked out for you food wise then? Xx
Fine so far.. Iv only eaten 600cal so going to have a sandwich when little man is in bed :) x
Ah that's good :) wish I could say I've been as good took a bite of cake chewed it about 4times then spat it in to the bin once I realized I actually don't like sweet things and what I was actually doing lol x
Ah that's good :) wish I could say I've been as good took a bite of cake chewed it about 4times then spat it in to the bin once I realized I actually don't like sweet things and what I was actually doing lol x

Oh no! Oh well at least you spat it out, we all have blips! Xx