aw Liz, bless you sounds like its so stressful!
Damn the people! sounded like you were so organised but someone has to mess it up for you.
Hope you get everything sorted hun.
Things are going ok for me really, mainly because have been at work so not time to stress about anything or do anything about anything, 6 x 13.5 hour shifts in a row = no time for anything but sleep in between.
My proper run up will start tomorrow.
1pm manicure
then pay for balloons and pick table decs up
4pm pick dress up and take to friends house
then pack my suitcase for honeymoon (OH has done his already, thought it weighed 23kg until I told him that was pounds on the scales upstairs lol he's a proper stresshead too, thought he would have to leave stuff at home )
and pack little cases for night before and wedding night
before 930am - flowers arrive at friends house,
930am body scrub,facial, brows and pedicure
1230ish drop dogs off at kennels,
after that take cake, table decs, place cards etc to hotel
then chillax at friends house with a glass of wine or 2
then its the big day Sat.
Aw Liz, hope everything settles for you and you can enjoy the couple of days before your wedding