saw your post on Laura's diary- well done on all your weight loss so far!
You have done so well hunny isn't it fab when smaller clothes fit xxx
Jenny you are doing so well! that 12 will be in your not so distant future! amazing focus and hard work!
the dreaded mid weeks weigh in...I know I did it myself this morning...........and we both need to stop! we know it works, and a mid week weigh in does nothing only pee us off if we don't see what we want to see!
Whoooooooooohoooooo at being in the 12's - super jealous in a good way!
I hope your son feels better soon!
I'm in the 12sI'm so pleased. lost 3lbs this week
school called me as soon I got to group to say my son had just been sickso just got weighed and left, he looks so poorly.
x x
Well done Jenny. Fantastic. Xx
Hi Jenny..been playing catch up and're doing absolutely fantastic and so chuffed for you at your incredible weight loss. I really do need to take motivation from you and learn to work out what it is I need to do to get to my goal rather than waffling on about it!
I can't believe the time has whizzed so fast and Kaelan has teeth and will be getting weaned soon..he's growing fast.
Well done X