Hi all, I had my mini tummy tuck yesterday. It went so well. I got to hospital for 7am, had to see 5 different people and then went for surgery around 9.30, I was done by 11. I had local anaesthetic with sedation so felt great and tipsy

surgeon asked if I wanted to see my tummy before they put compression garment on, obviously I did lol. They lifted me slightly so I could see it and it looked so flat

dr originally said I could go home after 6 hours of op finishing, after 2 hours I felt fine and was up using the toilet etc. So I asked if I could go, they checked me over, surgeon came to see me with instructions and cleared me to go home. I was home by around 2.30. Walking is painful, I’m a little hunched over and have to go pretty slow. When I’m sitting down the pain is minimal, I haven’t taken any painkillers as haven’t felt in enough pain to warrant them which I’m thrilled about. It’s 100% easier than my csections as the muscle hasn’t been cut.
My husband and kids have been great. I haven’t been without Kaelan for that long before so really missed him. Not being able to feed him all day left my boobs full of milk and massive, looked like I’d had a boob job by the time I went home
So I need to rest for 2 weeks, hubby is off to look after me. No lifting, bending etc.
I can’t shower or have a bath for a week

I’m really going to miss it as love have a shower in the mornings and a relaxing bath at night. I’m allowed to take my compression garment off for only a few minutes to have a wash but can’t get my dressing wet so need to be careful. In a week I go back to get the dressing removed, I’m so excited to see what it looks like then. I’ll post some pics.
Most difficult bit so far is that I have to sleep propped up, I’ve been so uncomfortable all night, 2 more nights to go. x x