Thanks all! I'm really pleased - and a bit stunned! I do feel like I have to be prepared for a much smaller loss - I don't want to end up feeling disappointed with 3lb losses for example!
My new counsellor is fab! She called me this morning just to see how I'm getting on and for a chat! I wasn't in but she left a message. How lovely! So glad I changed!
3lbs off at today's WI (and it's TOTM!) so that takes me to an even 2 stone.
I feel so good in myself, I went swimming afterwards and I'm much quicker than before, I'm beginning to feel my muscles again under the fat and I feel much healthier!
Fantastic loss!! You must be so pleased!!
Com on tell us who has noticed and what they said!! I agree its a great diet!! I had my weigh in today and I lost 6lbs! Whoopeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
OMG... 6lbs!! That's amazing. I've kind of resigned (in a good way) myself to 3lbs a week and anything above that is a bonus... I'd be OVER THE MOON if I lost 6lbs in one week!
As for people noticing... most of them have been because I had to tell them I was dieting.. but at my book group the other night a girl came up to me in the kitchen and asked if I had lost loads of weight... in fact she said she had noticed a few weeks earlier but hadn't liked to say anything!!
Thats great. I think you just need a little incentive now and then!! It just keeps you going!! You are doing really well and I have enjoyed looking at you web site!!
Been a bit quiet on here because I went away last weekend and couldn't go to my meeting. So yesterday I had a double weigh in!
And lost... 12lbs!!!
I did have a little incidence of choccy waterfalls again this week so I think that has a large part to play in this. Same thing happened last time I painted the town brown - I had a good loss. So I imagine my next couple of losses will be on the low side.
Still... the differences in me now are huge. Racing down through the clothes sizes and fitting back into clothes I never thought would see the light of day again!