Gillian Riley

Yep. It's currently on my bookcase staring at me accusingly. Tried to lose it in the house move but it survived :mad:

Do you know what? It's actually not a horrendous approach to live with! Ssssshhhhh! That's a secret :cool:

The bottom line is

You have an addictive desire to eat
You have the freedom to eat whatever you want

You choose to satisfy this desire and choose to accept the consequences

You choose to accept the desire to eat in order to gain the benefits of being in control

Accepting the desire, not trying to distract yourself from it, just recognising that it is what it is, and waiting for it to pass, was v difficult at first, and still is sometimes, I can be as sh1tty as I was on SS at times, but it does get easier.

But because you're choosing either option, with ALL the consequences, it's not horrible.

And you also don't have to be 100%, so you can make mistakes!
If you ever find life too exciting and you want to be bored out of your life, search KD and 'addictive desire'. I've written masses about it on here...usually jumping on people's diaries about it...but think there's possibly a thread here full of stuff..possibly.

It was written before I had read the book, but I think a lot of it is similar.

But..the book and my ramblings will mean little to anyone unless they are really ready and want it enough.
If you ever find life too exciting and you want to be bored out of your life, search KD and 'addictive desire'. I've written masses about it on here...usually jumping on people's diaries about it...but think there's possibly a thread here full of stuff..possibly.

It was written before I had read the book, but I think a lot of it is similar.

But..the book and my ramblings will mean little to anyone unless they are really ready and want it enough.

Of course, you're right, and I wouldn't want to shove it down anyone's throat (not pun intended)! Am just excited to have someone who understands it!
I bought and read the book back in early 2006 and started following the principles. I scarily also thought Big Brother had been watching. The trouble with me at the time was that I think I just had too much weight to lose that "letting go" was such a difficult concept. I then discovered LL and that sort of negated the need to follow the principles.

I dug out my dog eared copy, covered in post its etc the other day as I have reached a crossroad in my dieting life (again). Still not sure of the route I'm going to take but I've got the book looking at me from the table at the moment (although I'm loathed to read it at the second because I am eating crisps :eek:).
The trouble with me at the time was that I think I just had too much weight to lose that "letting go" was such a difficult concept.

I agree with that. Like Intuitive eating (but less so), I think it's more suitable for those with either a little to lose, or to maintain.

That's my opinion anyway
Oh...and to certainly wouldn't work well with a strict diet such as Cambridge/LL etc.

I think one of the reasons it worked well for me was that I didn't want to diet. I didn't want to lose weight wasn't an issue in some ways. I could afford to put on a few pounds if it didn't work.

By then I also had a good idea of what I needed to eat, so could easily recognise the difference between 'want' and 'need'.

I just couldn't control the 'wants' very well.

Not saying that the book wouldn't help someone to lose weight, but it's not the primary aim.

I know you know this Dom, just writing out for anyone who thinks there's going to be a promise of 1-5lbs a week loss, along with menu plans.

For me it was more sensible type of Intuitive eating for the food addict.
I got on the scales by accident (I stood on them to get to the cupboard for some toilet paper :eek: ) and discovered I lost 2 lbs last week and I wasn't trying! :eek: But agreed with my Dr not to weigh in more often than once a month, so will have to wait and see.

And yes, I may well get the book and give it another go! :rolleyes:
Eating Less

Really enjoying this thread.

I too love the Eating Less book (and have been on the seminar) and I too have been a member of Beyond Chocolate but there's something about Eating Less that rings so true for me which I never have quite got with BC.

The only problem I have with EL is that there doesn't seem to be any ongoing support with it like there is with BC.

I really need the ongoing support.

Best wishes

PS About to go back to LL again.
Have just ordered one of Gillian's books from Amazon, and can't wait to see what it says. I need some insight and some support while I unravel the issues behind my emotional eating, and I'm really hoping this will help. Great thread, guys! Any other books you recommend?
Hi Katycake
I also found WHY DO YOU OVEREAT by Zoe Harcombe very helpful.
She has a website
Hiya, just started reading the Gillian Riley book after seeing it mentioned here... thought I should do my homework! Seriously, anything that has helped others has to be worth checking out. Only on chapter one but reisting the crisps so far!!!!
Thanks Lippy, will check out the website & the book. If I'm putting so much effort into losing weight, seems only right I put equal energies into making sure it stays off!
Hi everyone
I'm new... and I also love GR's book... The one thing wrong is that I really want to lose weight (havent been able to, have tried everything, have a major addiction) so I try really hard to not think of losing weight... but always think of it anyway!
But one of the reasons I think this would definitely work if you made a conscious effort to do it, is that I started its principles in November (after an early miscarriage... that's one of the reasons I want to lose weight... I cant BELIEVE that I cant just do it with something so important as having a healthy baby in my head... I must be really addicted :-( sigh...) - anyway I really found that I wasnt bingeing, and I was a lot more calm around food, and I wasnt going for the unhealthy option every time... I still was sometimes when I "forgot" to do the principles.... there were also times where I was yelling at myself in my head "This is your addiction talking, you know its your addiction" and I was reaching for the [insert food] at the same time! ... but generally it was getting better.

Even on Christmas Day, I didnt eat munchies before lunch because I wanted to enjoy lunch thoroughly, I didnt eat "healthy" at lunch, I mean it was Christmas, but I didnt do my usual "Yay it's Christmas, free binge time!" either. I only had one plate of food and enjoyed it.

So, all was good, right? And I wasnt weighing myself. BUT THEN. New Year's Day came, and I went on a diet (just one more) and I have been eating ever since - it totally set me off again. Now I'm worried about not being able to get pregnant, being addicted, I'm depressed, I hate my job... blah blah (get out the violins haha)... I have a lovely marriage so that's good :) but ... I really want to get in control of my eating.... and I want to try GR again... but I'm scared... also because friends are coming over from overseas soon, and I dont want them to think Oh she has got really fat! (which is in the book as well, I totally hear you guys on she sees EVERYTHING and anything you think she has an answer for haha) so I am in the middle... also I had pizza last night and it was awful, I couldnt sleep, had nightmares, woke up with heart beating really fast, it scared me... and then I started today eating so well, and have wrecked it at lunchtime... how do you all handle these types of things...? at the moment a diet lasts me half a day :(

Sorry for so long a post for the first one :(

Good luck all of you in your journeys :)
Hiya Smiley, so sorry you're struggling. I do identify, and I feel for you about the miscarriage... hugs.

If diet = bingeing for you, then one of your triggers must be deprivation... does GR say that? When you deprive yourself of the foods you love, even when you are in 'control' your subconscious WILL rebel sooner or later and sabotage it all.

So... for me, Cambridge Diet has helped by taking food out of the picture & I've found it relatively easy to stick to, but know I must work on the binge demons while I have the chance. So far, it feels like I have made some steps forwards. Don't know if CD would work for you, but something to look at. Also, having read GR & also a wad of other books, the one I found most helpful was Martha Beck's 'The Four Day WIn'. It's not about beating the emotional eating in four days (I wish) but it has lots in it that made real sense to me and I felt it helped me more than GR's tough-love approach. Worth a look, maybe. You need all the tools on-side to help that you can get.

No answers really - this journey is different for all of us - but you will find you own solutions if you are determined to. Hugs and good luck.
Am interested in GR now, having initially tossed it aside. But I realised I have a chocolate addiction so I realised I need help to sort it.
It's interesting, because a lot of the principles are very like what I do already.. choosing healthy foods, not being focused on weight & size but on healthy eating etc, but I just have a complete weakness with chocolate. Every time I think I'm getting there I just end up pigging out on chocolate. I haven't finished the book yet but I'm hoping it will be able to help me get over this particular hurdle.
Hi I am currently on week 3 of LL,but I'm thinking ahead to f**d! Which book would you recommend for a newbie? There are several on Amazon,and I'm a tad overwhelmed!