Thanks guys,
Great day today! Dropped DS1 off at school, drove to playgroup. Dropped DS2 off at playgroup, left the car there and walked to the gym. Did my cardio, walked home, shower, pottered about then walked to playgroup to pick up car and DS2. It's quite a bit of walking and the walk up to playgoup is up a very long steep hill, so I've worked hard today! I've barely sat down, had lunch and then because we've been away for the weekend and DS2 has gone into a new size of clothes I've had a good 1.5 hours on my feet ironing as well!
I'll be doing the same again tomorrow, plus burlesque on top of that in the evening. Feels good to be pushing myself. Food has been great too, I know I need to eat well and avoid the junk if I'm to have the energy to exercise. Woohoo!