Week 5: Days 1 - 3
Well the first couple of days after my weigh in went really well. Did my water felt really positive and even did a little exercise.
However, on sunday my OH left home to back to a work course (will be away all week again) and had the new fudge bar with a coffee. Then well hit an emotional dip and went to the fridge to get some more water. My OH had left leftovers of a chinese in there. And well there is no way round saying this. I ate it. So I've probably knocked myself out of ketosis and if I have i'll be paying the price over the next couple of days.
I am taking responsibility for this (needless to say my OH will get a little bollocking for leaving food in the fridge before leaving the house for a week). But I choose to eat it, therefore I must take the consequences. I need to move on from this. I have 16 days before my first fitting and I have invested too much in this to blow it. Am going for an hour walk at lunch to try and shift some of the calories. I'm working late tonight and tomorrow night so won't be at home, which I think is a good thing to be away temporarily from the scene of the crime.
On a slight boost one of the girls just brought cakes, she always does this on Valentine's day but did not even remotely want one, so politely declined. Getting back into ketosis is more important than momentary greed.
I can and will do this. Water at my side.