Girls that shop!!!!!

omg girls you must get piccies :D
lol wont be trampolining tomorrow night. just table top dancing, then maybe rock band and singstar if we are still not comatosed by the time we get home :D
We SO have to see the pics. x
Most definitely :D
LOL, sounds good to me. I'm longing for a drink, roll on Tomorrow. :)
yes, it'll be TFIF tomorrow.

I might just nip out for a pint of Guiness tonight. Depends on what *SHE* has planned.
Lol @ SHE
Ive been good for 2 nights :) getting some vodka for the weekend at tesco.
Ah, I've just realised, no Guiness for me tonight, Olivia is visiting. :D
ahh Olivia is better than Guiness though :)
spot on Vicky, do you know she actually reaches out for me now. I love her to bits
awww wow. some more piccies tomorrow please :) Grandadx
I'll see what I can do girls.
LOL we seem to hu?

Where were you yesterday Cheryl, we all missed ya xxx :)
Yey Cheryls back!!!
LOL, no photo's sorry, I was to busy playing with her.