I've been toying with this for a while now as well. Happy to join forces and give it a go.
I have masses of fruit that needs eating up, courtesy of a friend who sent it instead of flowers following recent op so will also avoid added sugar. Does sweetener count? Tend to agree that cold turkey is not the way to go but would love to bash the sugar cravings on the head once and for all.
Apparently cinnamon is a good substitute ( on fruit I presume and not in coffee!) will report back on that one.....
Hi Daisy, thanks for joining me

I've heard that about cinnamon unfortunately i don't like it but if it works for others then why not
I've read a few books, namely Sweet Poison by David Gillespie and I Quit Sugar by Sarah Wilson (i have the latter in mobi. format for the kindle if anyone wanted it, i'm happy to email it) and they both say in the first few weeks that sweetener can be used to take the edge off, same with fizzy drinks and crisps etc, aim being to replace sugar with fat because out body has satiety signals for fat, carbs and protein but not for sugar x
Hey Pixie! This is great idea! i am with you) Let's try to slowly forget about the sugar for ever!!!;-))) From the first time you can substitute sugar with a little of honey! it can help and honey is very useful for health)
Hi Ginger, thanks for joining

I have some low sugar bars that i need to eat down (slimming world bars etc, all under 100 cals) but i'm going to try and aim to just have one a day until they are all gone. I don't add sugar personally to drinks or food, but i eat a lot of cakes/biscuits/chocolate etc (hence the joining SW!) I did think about just eating them all today (and i could but i shouldn't!) but i've been down that road before and then tomorrow never comes! I hope that made sense lol
World Health Organisation recommend no more than 10g a day i believe, but i will check on that. There are some people who do really strictly, they cut carbs, fruit, dairy etc, and not eating meat that would be very difficult for me. x
Chocolate - just read up on this. Recommendations - eat high cocoa content ie 70% and above. Check ingredients label to make sure sugar is not first on the list. Which brand has lowest sugar content? I am on a mission....
Ah - chocolate! I think it's your common brands that are the worst, so Cadbury, Nestle etc. I know things like Green & Blacks aren't lower than 65%, Lindtt do a gorgeous strawberry dark chocolate at 85% but i can only have a tiny bit of it because i have a hernia and it doesn't agree with me lol. Let us know what you find! x
Today is my first proper day on my diet (SW) which does limit sugars and fats as you only get 300 calories worth of syns, and considering i only eat real organic butter, that uses most of it. So while i still have my treat bars, i'm going to aim for 10 syns (100 calories) of added sugar which is one a day.
I think quitting sugar entirely, my main problem would be beans and bananas. I don't worry about Dairy as some do but thats because it's Lactose and not Fructose which is the bad one.
There are lots of youtube videos on the way our bodies deal with "bad" sugar, i would be happy to copy and paste them if anyone wanted to watch them xx