Thank you I am really pleased just got to sort out exercising more regularly now. On the plus tho I have stayed on plan despite being ill so Im not going to beat myself up about that too much.
Hmmm update haven't been on here for a while, mainly because I cant work it now they have changed the layout!!!! Still going strong. I had my cheat night and it was amazing! Had a small meal of pasta and meatballs before I went out to line my stomach and loads of drink! I dont advocate doing this but I have put on here that it was a big night for me. Got in at 5!!!! Anyway, next day got straight back on the diet, no probs at all and I'd even lost another pound. In total I have lost 12 pounds in 3 weeks which I am over the moon with. also, started working out everyday this week which I am really loving too. Dont cheat like i did but I had to do it and its all fine, might not lose this week now but Im back on it and thats the main thing.
I know drinking is a total no no but its nice to know when we 'have to do it' its not a total backwards journey and no massive gains x back into the zone well done keep posting x
Thanks and I will keep posting now Im getting to grips with this new layout! Much prefered the old minimins. Yes, I know, I dont for a minute suggest to people that they drink but Im glad I did and got it out of my system too! Im more determined now. I think if you are in this for the long haul then as long as you get straight back on it then every now and again is fine if it ensures that you run the course. Otherwise I know what Im like, I would fall off the wagon and think, oh Ive blown it now lets go mad and have a chinese! At least this way I allowed myself a few drinks but didnt blow it all. Im so going to buy some dukan chocolate spread and dukan bars tonight tho as my easter treat otherwise think I might be tempted around all those eggs! be nice to have some little (dukan friendly) treats to look forward too