Hey toots,
hope the hunger settles down Have you tried splitting packs in two or three and having them more often and loads a cups of tea/coffee/bouillion inbetween? Its day one for me after a looooong break and I'm feelin the hunger an all!!!
hi, I am on day 5 and still very hungry. I thought it was just me!!! have you had a coke zero, i find that usually fills me up. keep going kx
I know your pain Toots, it never really goes away for me either :hug99:
Hey hun hope the hunger pangs calm down for u soon x
I really, really feel your pain Hope it gets better for you very soon. Its the same for me, ketosis never takes away my hunger, I get so sad when I read people saying "Oh when Ketosis comes you won't be hungry..." etc....not for all us it doesn't! Mean, mean ketosis
I'm not too bad thanks - lifes been pretty c@&££y of late but hey-ho!
Serious kudos for keepin up with the gym....I just can't get myself motivated to start back-it feels like another lifetime ago that I was a gym bunny....I must at least try sometime!
Well done Toots, stay strong (and ewwwww on the pewwwww)
am feeling better, don't think it was a bug, just my monthly playing up!