Fabulous loss Toots, well donex
Thanks, Hun
Well, went to the gym this morning and although I like a good spin class, it would appear my boobs don't. One track in and they made a bid for freedom!!!
Fabulous loss Toots, well donex
Thanks, Hun
Well, went to the gym this morning and although I like a good spin class, it would appear my boobs don't. One track in and they made a bid for freedom!!!(damn my M&S front zip sports bra)
Excellent 1st week loss Toots, well done .
Hey toots! Fab 1st week losswell done x
Excellent toots, roll on week 3 xx
Well done on the loss Toots.
Oh portaloos, brings shivers down my spinex
How you getting on toots?
Youve gone very quiet x