Hello missus, hows you! Was having a nose about and remembered you were on here so thought I'd come say hello xx
Hows u and the kiddles? x
Hello missus, hows you! Was having a nose about and remembered you were on here so thought I'd come say hello xx
We're aaall good!
How about you and yours? You seem to be doing really well on SW - this is me just starting back again, first WI was yesterday. I'm determined to do it this time though!!!
Good good thanksMasons first birthday on Monday :faint2:
5lb loss brilliant missus! You'll get there, just takes timeAre you going to group? x
I can't believe he's nearly one! Where does the time go? Elise is going to be 3 in January and I just can't understand how she can be so big already :cry:
Thanks - I'm going with my Mum and Fenn so hoping us all doing it together will help keep us motivated - and yeah we're planning on staying for group as much as possible.
Haha, little madame more like! So she starts in August next year? That's scary too!I know, can still remember being in labour with him like it was yesterday
Elise is turning into a little ladyJenna is four in December too then starting school! How are the boys getting on?
Its great if your going together, keeps you all motivated