Going to be a yummy mummy! ^.^

Already started! Somehow managed to order a victors.. *whistle* x
Everything's went out the window, DD birthday today and I've had sandwhiches and cakes etc. Need to screw the head for weigh in on the 29th or I'm going to have a big gain :( feel yucky as well. Too much crap! X
Wednesday 28th December 2011 - RED
A - 250ML SS milk / 42g RF cheese
B - 2 Weetabix / 5 Scan Bran

B- 2 Weetabix, cup of tea, 2 apples
L- Scan bran with cheese and pickle (1) and Veg soup
D- Burgers, bacon, bbq sauce(1) and salad

Syns - Roses x2 (4), Sauce (1), pickle (1) ... 6 syns

WI tomorrow, see what the damage is from Christmas!
Happy new year xx
Happy new year! Had a lovely time thanks, how about yourself?

I gained a 1lb after my 4 days off so was chuffed with that. Getting weighed again tonight, since my WI days have changed to a Thursday. Will see if I've lost it tonight, feel heavy!

Have my birthday coming up too and a night out/meal out planned for it x
Glad to hear it :)

I lost 2lbs! only 3lbs till my 3.5 stone award.. Can I do it? Bloody hope so! Would love my 3.5 stone award for before my birthday carnage lol.

We are going for food in the lum then its anyones guess, just going to go with the flow. Hopefully at some point next week I will get dinner with my OH as well. Need to watch the pennies since we are organising the wedding for August, so I have a target set in my head x
Oft I'm such a piggy today! Don't know why Ive hit the munchies but I've just ate 35 syns worth of junk!

Back on track tomorrow x

Saturday 07th Jan 2012 - RED
A- 125ml SS milk/22g RF cheese // 45g RF cheese
B- 5 Scan Bran // 2 HiFi light bars

B - Bacon and cheese/onion/pepper omelette
L - Vegetable soup, Scan Bran & cheese/pickle
D - Chicken caserole with broccoli, cabbage and carrots

Snacks - WW yogs, Hifis, Fruit - Mainly grapes and bananas

Lets see if we can speed this up x
Been a good girl today stuck to plan, oh yeah!

Heres a picture of my weight loss so far x


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Joanne your pictures are amazing! What a difference, you look great :)
How long has it taken you to lose 3 stone? Congrats :)
Awh Thank you :) Been since end of Jan to lose the 3 stone in total, not quite at 12 months yet so hoping to get my 3.5 before the end of Jan this year :) x
That's really great :)
Welldone on the 2lbs that’s fantastic
Weekends are always hardest that’s why I try low syn during week to help cover any blips been a good girl this weekend this new me is motivated haha!!

Omg joanne just seen your pics you look amazing you should be so proud of how well you have done and what you have achieved

Enjoy your dinner in the Lum and your birthday
Thank you soo much :)

Can't wait till Saturday! Need to get this week out of the road and fingers are crossed for a good loss, so if/when I put on the following Thursday it won't seem that bad.

I know I'm deff going off plan on Saturday and probably Sunday when I'm dying - so Mon to Thurs I will try and recover whatever damage I have done. Birthday is on Wednesday 11th but I'm determined not to eat any birthday cake till after I'm weighed on the 12th haha.

Need to finish Week 6 of kettlebells to get started on round 2 with a larger kettlebell weight. Thats my goals for this month!

# Finish week 6 KB
# Start round 2 with a heavier weight
# Possible go with a friend to kettlecise that they have started on a Monday night at the gym
# Have a good birthday :D

Jo xx

Sounds like good goals you have set yourself :) do you mind me asking what gym it is? I've been trying to find a gym with kettlebell classes but can't! Im quite competitive so going to classes really helps me to give it 100% lol :)

Have a lovely birthday incase I forget to drop in on Wednesday :)
Was really good thanks, the meal was a disaster! But apart from that I had a good time. Toddled home at 5am..oops :D

How was your weekend?