Thanks Lisa, susie, tee, busy, Sammy, meg and have I missed anyone?
I'm still here just been exercising on mornings to make sure whatever happens during the day if I don't get another chance to do them I know they are done. Been quite busy the past few days and because I usually only get a chance to come on here in the mornings that's why I've not been on. I'm 9.13 and totm so very pleased I have been able to control things at this time.
My body is morphing guys

susie get the ladies out

i have no new photos of me, I keep asking the boyfriend but he's always busy at the time I hand him a camera or ipad. I feel sad I've no photos of my journey really, just loads of beforehands and one 1/4 way in one, that's it.
I have been doing 100 sit ups, 25 lunges on each leg, 15 pull ups on my treadmill bars, 30 press ups, 25 of the side leg lifts each leg, I can stay up longer doing bridge, and lying flat on matt raising my legs slightly off floor for ages, kills my abbs. Treadmill 10-12 incline speed 3.5 for 10 mins. I do other stuff with my hand weights too. I do these on mornings and sometimes night time too.
I had a bowl of all bran yesterday with half cream half water mix, it was lovely And I've decided if I'm going to do carbs to do them early on. It hasn't harmed me so far, so that's all bran and an apple I'm getting away with so far
Menu this week
B 2 cream coffees, ham roll ups with cheese and lettuce/mayo
L ox tongue, vintage cheddar or another ham roll up
D salmon or frying steak with vegetable stir fry garlic and chilli, soy sauce.
snacks for night time, sugar free jelly whipped cream, apple, black grapes, not all together I chose one treat snack per night.
then yesterday for the first time I had a bowl of all bran with cream/water...funnily enough this gave me no horrible effects and my workout afterwards went really well.
Loads of water as usual, think its an addiction because if I don't have my bottle toped up or with me I start to sweat haha.
i hope you all are keeping well? I'm going to catch up on everyone's diary soon just wanted to come and say hi and let you all know things are going well and I'm still here just trying to fit minimins time in.