Today I weigh 10.2

but I believe that's because I'm lost. You are all right diets do not mix and I have been trying to do a bit of both and failed miserably.....hell I'm not even maintaining...just coasting back up in to the 10s and further away from the 9s
i haven't had my all bran this morning because even though it kept me regular i know it's not Atkins

I'm shrugging my shoulders here knowing its got to go in the bin along with my dark Lindt. I am going to keep the soya cream up in my coffees instead of cream.
I was running on the treadmill yesterday and my hair bobble came loose with the bouncing so I had to re do my hair to stop my bobble falling out and noticed loads more hair come loose. I had tears flooding and could hardly see for them, I'm so stressed right now and frightened about going back to the weight I was. I don't know which diet is good for me anymore. I don't know which health professionals to trust on nutrition. I feel so lost.
Im going to try basic induction for 2 weeks then rethink after that. Up my veg and cut out the bacon. I do love my ham roll ups though and found a pack that does not contain sugar from asda. I searched so many supermarkets for big slices that can be rolled. Nearly all contained sugar and it drove me mad, no wonder a lot of people are getting fat...why pump deli ham full of sugar???? Manufacturers need held accountable somehow. Sugar is in so many things its actually frightening.
Menu yesterday.
B 2 cream coffees, 1 bowl all bran.
L ham roll up with leerdammer, lettuce and mayo.
D chicken beast, bacon, huge florette salad and grated Red Leicester, olive oil and mayo.
S 2 squares 90% Lindt. 1 pepperami.
1 costa coffee with cream, 3 home coffees with cream, 3-4 litres water.
back to the drawing board and today I'm popping my registration form in to the doctors to make my first appointment. I dread to think what state my health is in, so many bad signs but we will see. Years ago I was put on metformin but came off it by myself because I noticed anything I ate came through super fast and I hate going to the loo when I'm out. I was so scared to take it but should have consulted the doctor for a smaller dose. Il bring this up at my appointment because I doubt I have cured myself of pcos and will probably need medication to sort it all out instead of ignoring it.
il keep you all updated, on the bestest brightest note I can offer today I run faster for longer intervals and have been very proud of myself burning lots of calories at a time throughout the day. mostly to warm me up because I'm freezing