Goldilukes Diary of a food zombie

Hi Lauren

I am in total agreement with Moonie and Lisa, that is really excellent advice and I can't add anything to it, except to say that we are all here for you hun! xxxx
Have you thought of switching from Atkins completely, personally any diet that advocates eating that way and cutting out food groups and healthy foods seems crazy, to me. Have you thought about a clean diet where you eat good lean protein, healthy fibre rich carbs, lots of veggies and don't go hungry and just avoid bad saturated fats, processed food and sugar, it works great with exercise too and really optimises results. Good luck with your continued diet.

Ps remember muscle does weigh more than fat, so the more your exercising the less the number on the scale means as it could go up not down but you will still be getting leaner, at some point you should switch to how you look and feel in your clothes and toss the scale :thumbup:

Adding in some weight training with your cardio will amp your weight loss too and sky rocket your fitness and fat burning xxx


Pps I love coffee too but switch to black when I want to lose, and you do grow to love it .. apparently too much coffee though doesn't aid loss so try to switch to black tea in the pm xxxx
Hi Lauren -
Don't be discouraged this is a life journey, your doing great and have all of us with you.

This is a brand new week. Hope you have a good one. x
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Hi Moonwatcher

Ill be flying out to Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh for few days then somewhere else. Maybe Hanoi, Halong Bay or Mha Trang. Not sure where else!

I'm on a major diet now. The Vietnamese are tiny!!!

Restarted CD 31 Aug
5ft 1" 13st 2 BMI 37.2

Oooh that sounds exciting. Is it as exciting as it sounds? ( I mean the travelling, not the major diet - although that can be exciting in its own way.LOL)
Morning everyone, I am utterly blown away this morning by all the support here. I want to just start and say a huge thank you to you all for coming her, taking time out f your lives to advise me. Thank you so much for the advise and support. You are my little diet family as I have no support back here so it means more than you will ever know to come here and have you take interest and offer help to me.

Pat you are spot on and please never ever feel you have to pussy foot around me, I love straight forward people even if the advice can seem harsh it needs to be said. I know you mean well so never worry. Thank you <3 hope you are well?

Igg thank you and welcome to my diary, I hope you enjoy it. I do wonder if I should just do a cleaner eating plan. Haven't decided yet though. Hope you are well?

Lisa, you are damn right and diets do not mix, I've known this for a while but you know how things sneak when we tweak. I am armed with great information at this point and now it's time to get a grip and use it right or not at all. Thank you for the carb scenario makes a lot of sense. Hope you are well?

susie, you just being here and agreeing with the others is always enough:) hope you are well today?

Val, I love your post, thank's a new week yes and I am looking forward to seeing what it brings. Hope you are well?

Bubbly, eating offline....I've done plenty of that too lol. I hope you can find the way back and you have a great's that? ;) you lucky duck! I am tempted to hide the scales.....a tiny bit. Hope you are well?
Today I weigh 10.2 :( but I believe that's because I'm lost. You are all right diets do not mix and I have been trying to do a bit of both and failed miserably.....hell I'm not even maintaining...just coasting back up in to the 10s and further away from the 9s :(

i haven't had my all bran this morning because even though it kept me regular i know it's not Atkins :( I'm shrugging my shoulders here knowing its got to go in the bin along with my dark Lindt. I am going to keep the soya cream up in my coffees instead of cream.

I was running on the treadmill yesterday and my hair bobble came loose with the bouncing so I had to re do my hair to stop my bobble falling out and noticed loads more hair come loose. I had tears flooding and could hardly see for them, I'm so stressed right now and frightened about going back to the weight I was. I don't know which diet is good for me anymore. I don't know which health professionals to trust on nutrition. I feel so lost.

Im going to try basic induction for 2 weeks then rethink after that. Up my veg and cut out the bacon. I do love my ham roll ups though and found a pack that does not contain sugar from asda. I searched so many supermarkets for big slices that can be rolled. Nearly all contained sugar and it drove me mad, no wonder a lot of people are getting fat...why pump deli ham full of sugar???? Manufacturers need held accountable somehow. Sugar is in so many things its actually frightening.

Menu yesterday.
B 2 cream coffees, 1 bowl all bran.
L ham roll up with leerdammer, lettuce and mayo.
D chicken beast, bacon, huge florette salad and grated Red Leicester, olive oil and mayo.
S 2 squares 90% Lindt. 1 pepperami.
1 costa coffee with cream, 3 home coffees with cream, 3-4 litres water.

back to the drawing board and today I'm popping my registration form in to the doctors to make my first appointment. I dread to think what state my health is in, so many bad signs but we will see. Years ago I was put on metformin but came off it by myself because I noticed anything I ate came through super fast and I hate going to the loo when I'm out. I was so scared to take it but should have consulted the doctor for a smaller dose. Il bring this up at my appointment because I doubt I have cured myself of pcos and will probably need medication to sort it all out instead of ignoring it.

il keep you all updated, on the bestest brightest note I can offer today I run faster for longer intervals and have been very proud of myself burning lots of calories at a time throughout the day. mostly to warm me up because I'm freezing :)
Just popping in to make sure you're OK and am really glad to see that you read our posts in the supportive spirit that we meant xx :grouphugg: I'll be back later with my musings on PCOS :D
Lauren, seems like you are on the right track. Far from being lost, realising that you don't know which diet for you is the first step to finding your way! I can imagine your health is causing you stress and you have already taken steps to get that seen to. It will be sorted, in time. Well done on the running and exercise, go you! Big hug x
Morning Lauren

Really pleased you're sorting the GP appointment out, just going and hearing their thoughts will help you feel better.

You can have bacon during induction, hun, in fact I'm not sure I could do without it. But I agree on the sugar front, it is hidden in everything, so annoying! I read somewhere that even some sparkling mineral water brands have sweetener in them :eek: I'm thinking of getting a soda stream, I go through so much of the stuff.

Big hugs hun, don't be scared, between us we will get this sorted out for you, one way or another xxxx
Honey I feel your pain and really wish I could help. Please try to look at all the positives, you have done amazing.

I eat clean and you can still have your lindt, why don't you try and have a read up on it. Check out Tosca Reno and oxygen mag online also clean and lean on amazon.

Reading your diet concerns me as it's so high in saturated fats and low on fresh vegetables and goodness :(

I think you would be better ditching the pepperami, cream, mayo, bacon and high fat cheese and switching to clean protein like chicken and Turkey and low fat cheese like feta and haloumi.

You can get a lot more variety of delicious healthy food and fuel your body by eating clean. Currently I worry about your arteries on that diet... :(

Well done in your working out, that's great

I hope you don't mind my commenting. I have suffered with depression (which has lead to me piling on over three strone which I am now trying to lose) and been through every angle of diet angst and back and tried many diets except Atkins which always seemed very unhealthy to me, through everything Clean has given the best and quickest results and you eat well and feel amazing, if you ever want to chat always here for you :)

Just remember you do look great and should be proud of yourself xxxx

Good luck at the docs. Xxx
Hugs Goldi, why not join us in ditching the scales till Saturday? Why not keep it completely simple for a week by having meat and salad veg only with lots of mayo and oil?
Ditch the processed stuff (apart from bacon, which like Susie I can't give up) just 5 days and see what happens?
Iv been reading the original Atkins diet book and I'm tempted to go back to small amounts of veg and more salad, I can never remember eating this much veg last time when I lost the weight.
Hope the docs manage to get to the bottom of things x
I know JUST how you feel. I went through exactly the same diet/exercise/petrified of piling on the weight phase as you a few months ago. My diet wasn't working and looking back it made me ill, physically and mentally.

You'll get through it, you'll find your way and you won't put it all back on, it's not an option for you which is why you're panicking. It WILL work out, you'll find your own way of eating and living at the same time.

Don't panic, rush or do anything too drastic - you've come so far and you can do it.

Goo luck at the GP xx
No time to pop back until now. Some really stupid woman at work has driven me mental all day and its taken all of my resolve not to tell her exactly how big a f***wit she is!
Anyway pcos. I haven't looked back since I had my mirena coil fitted. It may not be an option for you but I'm older and my mummy days definitely over lol. I had thick dark hair on my arms which is now blonde and downy and totm is a breeze despite a few cravings for about a day. The hair loss is still there. I have a lovely blonde carpet in my brush after a week and if I run my fingers through it I always have a load of loose strands. I'm resigned to keeping it collar length now. I can understand how difficult that must be for you with your luscious long locks though. Anyway what I'm withering on about is that there are options other than metformin.
Awww Lauren...

Big hugs chick. Don't be a silly sausage. No way ur going back up those scales. You are in control. You shape your future. You don't have to do it all today though!

Take your time and chill babycakes... At times, u sound like a hamster on a wheel that is getting faster and faster.

Word of warning here (I'm speaking from experience) don't exercise too much. It's easy to fall into the longer, harder, faster, more trap. Your day will become filled with phys and ul be run down and stressed. You sound like me: all or nothing. Avoid this chick. Exercise by all means. But choose a set time and then VARY what you do in that time. If you do same thing then ur body gets used to that. I ran every day in 2012. All 366 days. Some weeks I'd run 45-50 miles and I wouldn't lose 1lb. Honestly... Variety, variety, variety. Keep the body guessing. Don't damage it. Short, sharp, focussed sessions.

As for the hair loss. Think everyone has a bit of that. Don't worry for now :)

So, if I could send you a hug with this I would. I'd also accompany it with a kick up your arse for trying to do too much!

Hope u have a good day. I'm still trying to get on that wagon. new day 1 again. Today is the day...drumroll por favore... that I find my mo-jo!!!

Restarted CD 31 Aug
5ft 1" 13st 2 BMI 37.2
Oooh that sounds exciting. Is it as exciting as it sounds? ( I mean the travelling, not the major diet - although that can be exciting in its own way.LOL)

I'm excited! OH getting me in the zone about it :) not been abroad this year. Need a bit of chilling and some sand between my polished toe nails! Love travelling... X

Restarted CD 31 Aug
5ft 1" 13st 2 BMI 37.2
Morning everyone, I will reply to you all properly later today. Just wanted to say that I've read all your comments and again I can't thank you enough for the support and advice. Hoping il get an appointment today then take it from there. I just won't to lose weight safely and never go back to how I was. I'm not even bothered about losing fast, just want to be healthy above all so I really don't know which way to go right now and it is scary. I've researched to death now on which diets are the best ay to go and my head is spinning on which to do. I love the food I can have on Atkins but I am also swayed by the "health authorities" good carbs,fibre, fruits and veg lower cal diets......I just don't know which way to go and worry that what ever I chose to do my body is in limbo and I hope it doesn't make me gain if I change over. I've no interest in eating the way I ate before...sugar, high carbs, no! Never again I just worry that even bringing in sensible safe healthy carbs will take me down like a brick after eating the way I have for months. Lots to think about but now I have to run and get my appointment made.
Oh didnt have the all bran yesterday or apple or Lindt but no toilet either and a 1lb loss over night...

catch up with you all in a bit promise :)
Update, got my appointment for 4:30pm today. There probably won't be much to tell until I do the blood works but that will probably be next step after initial appointment and the go home and fast for them. Will keep you all updated though whatever happens.
I have no real knowledge about diet to pass on any words of wisdom x but so glad you are seeing your doctor x just wanted you to know I have read how you are feeling and I am thinking about you x
So glad you've got the appointment sorted!

Re following which way of eating, my own view (after much googling, experimenting, reading etc) is a low-ish carb diet with a bit of fruit and legumes, but no wheat-based products. There just seems to be so much evidence that stuff like bran and wheat are 'empty' calories, with no nutritional value whatsoever. The old fashioned health 'experts' argue that we need fibre in our diets. Yes, we do need fibre, but not from wheat products, which play merry havoc with our intestines, etc, as they travel through. You can get fibre naturally and in a much more healthy form from fruit, veg and beans. It's like paleo - with benefits :D

I've wavered many times in the past couple of years - and gone off to try SW, WW, VLCDs, etc - but keep coming back to low carb because it just feels better for me.

Anyway we're here for you, whatever you decide xxx