Well well well....... Firstly good morning everyone ( feel like a teacher when I say that)
last night was a night from hell and I think I may know the culprit although I'm not entirely sure.
i treat myself to a sugar free red bull and drank it at around 7:30pm last night and loved it, it took me back to the days where I'd guzzle around 5 per day and feel ok.
Well I've not had a red bull in over a year since eating low carb and I can't be certain it was this drink but boy did I nearly walk in to A&E last night.
i went up to bed around 12am feeling ok then woke at 1:30am horribly and tormented by the worst (head in vice) headache, it was as if someone was pressing my brain in from all angles. I went down took some nurofen and climbed back in to bed thinking it would go just relax.... Boy was I wrong. 2:30am and I am practically crying and in so much pain I couldn't get my head comfy and then oh joy is me sickness kicked in followed by jitters, sweats and chills. By this point I had come back down to get a hot water bottle in the hope it would help and I had the fastest and scariest heartbeat I've ever had. By this time it's 4:30 in the morning and I am lying there moaning and worrying (heartbeat still through the roof) and the feeling of oh crap I don't want to be sick (I have a vomit phobia) I was so worried that I nearly woke oh up to take me to A&E and I'm not one for going there lightly. I got another hot water bottle and just kept pummelling my head in to it and must have dropped off by around 5:30 to be up at 8am

I'm ok this morning, still feel a little sensitive like at any minute it could all kick back off again..urgh I hate suffering like that when I've done nothing wrong.
Needless to say I won't be touching red bull again just incase it's that because I could not go through that again even if I was paid...yack. I must be sensitive to it even though I'm a high caffeine person daily...that stuff must have pushed me over the edge and I can still smell and taste it so it's still there...eerie stuff
anyway I'm still on carb down, menu yesterday was
gammon dippy egg
walnuts crushed with Philadelphia and lime juice
a small saucepan of wilted salad veg melted in butter, mozzarella and two cherry toms.
slice jack cheese, 5 more walnuts, 100ml double cream and a sugar free red bull.
my weight this morning was 10.2 on the nose so I'm coming down and I think once I stop losing for 2 days in a row I will carb up. We will see, I'm fancying a lot of carbs today and I think that's because I'm not well. Might listen to my body might not but what ever I do I am not telling my brain so it can be a git